Friday, June 27, 2014

I have outsmarted my Blogger App tonight! Or maybe it's just this stubborn phone. It wouldn't let me add a non-Google account this right off the bat.

I'm hoping this app will keep things more regular. Let's see how it turns out this time. It's 5:13am on Friday morning..  The night shifts are still rough. . I've become anemic so for the longest while working at night felt like death. It's getting better though. I'm making a conscious effort to take my supplements on a regular basis.

I can't say I'm looking forward to today. I'll be seeing faces I rather not see from a distance.. But what's a girl to do?! Keep your head up!

Don't let the unworthy dim your light.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Senior Year

It's Here! Final year at university, and I've already got so much on my plate. Expected though.

I still have my marking job, and kept my part time job at the casino. I'm also on the executive team of the Biology Society; the work never ends ! sigh.

I'll try my best to stay on top of things.

Bring on the final lap!

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Discovering Nova Scotia: Food

After three years of being here, I'm finally discovering a decent amount of Nova Scotia. This summer has been so FULL so far!

I've discovered how much i LOVE Sushi. Now, when I get a craving for sushi, it hits me hard, and I have to get it. Contrary to popular believe, sushi is not raw fish. There are types that contain it, yes, but sushi is really about the rice. I always get sushi rolls, because I find them fun to eat. I started out getting Sweet Potato sushi rolls, then some other veggie rolls, then I moved on to fish - cooked ones at that. Tempura is great. It's cooked slightly because they fry the roll So far I've been to

                          Sushi Nami Royale on Dresden Row,


                                   Fujiyama on Blower's Street,

next to Smoke's Poutine (They have about 50 different types of poutine. Insanity!),

and Wasabi House on Quinpool.

 I don't have any food pictures from there but this is what the building looks like from the outside. It's a small place. Not too small, but it's nice and cozy. The service was good, and we even got free crab sushi roll samples: two rolls for the table. So it was a good experience!

So now onto Smoke's Poutine. I decided to try the "Triple Pork" - Or the "Three Piggies" as my friend likes to call it. It's pulled pork, spicy sausage and bacon. My greedy self decided to get the "WOW" size. -______-. That was an epic fail. I didn't finish after three sittings. Never again. Regardless, some of their combinations are a bit off, and sometimes I just want a simple poutine with some pieces of chicken in there but this one has it's work cut out for it. It's a great amount of poutine for the price, I must say. So if you're an adventurous poutine lover, Smoke's is the place to visit.
      Also, feel free to try this drink they carry called "Calypso". It's a lemonade type of thing. Tastes great.!

Next on the list: The Economy Shoe Shop. =) 

I wish I had a picture of the inside to show you guys what this place looks like. It's gorgeous. It literally makes me feel like I'm in a rainforest at times. Like I'm in Fern Gully haha. They have some poles in here that have been designed to look like trees. And the lighting is so delicate. It's a nice place to calm you down. I love it. I've gone there 4 times, and I always get their Nachos. Enough to feed three, tastes amazing, cheese galore. ! And it's not expensive at all.


Other places I love in Hali are Quiznos (Try their 2 for 6 deal) and the WokBox (I had their butter chicken one time.. yum).

That's it for me. Now I've gone and made myself hungry. Boo!

So Guys,
    When it comes to food,
            Never be too scared to try something Neü.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm not poetic,
I'm not athletic,

I'm not creative,
I'm not a realist.
I'm not optimistic,
I'm not pessimistic,
I'm not a model,
I'm not an activist.
I'm not a dancer,
I'm not a rebel,
I'm not an actress,
I'm not a composer.
I'm not a chef,
I'm not a seamstress,
I'm not a genius,
I'm not a beaut...

I'm not a lot of things.. But I AM me.. And these two letters mean a lot more than any adjective you could throw my way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Give Your Heart A Break. . . .

Our choices define who we are. They decide who we become, mould us, make us, and unfortunately, they sometimes tend to break us.

There are times when we continue to do things that hurt us - mentally, physically and emotionally. So why do we continue to do them? Why do we fight so hard for things that bring us so little happiness and so much grief?

The hardest part of a relationship is realizing when to let go. Acknowledging that its run its course, and that putting your everything hoping to make it work will only destroy all that we've hard and send us tumbling down a rocky mountain. Holding on to what once was a beautiful rose has begun to make us bleed with its endless thorns.

Sometimes, hope is a terrible thing. Hope for bringing back what you once had, and in the process we get hit with continuous disappointment. So much that we end up worse than we were before. Far worse than if we were to just pay attention to the signs and given up. Happy with the memories; content with what we once were and accepting things as they are.

So we keep fighting.. because we just can't see ourselves living differently. We can't see something that was once so beautiful just disappear with the wind. By holding on we become condemned to a life of heartache.. betrayal.. sorrow.. hurt. And all those miserable years that we spent trying to rekindle, we could have had our heart whole - maybe even held and groomed by someone else.

Sometimes.. holding on isn't worth it. Franticly trying to grasp something that's obviously lost is far harder than letting it go.

Don't be afraid of losing something you loved so dearly.

Everything that has a beginning, has an ending,
                                       just as every ending creates space
                                                              for something Neü to begin..  .     .         .                  .

Monday, November 12, 2012

It's 3rd year guys. What's been happening?

I've moved off campus - part of me regrets this, part doesn't. I Love the freedom. I love being able to make my own meals, and be away from the other 22 people on my floor. But I do miss having my own space, the community.. But most of all I miss the one thing I should not have let go of... that one thing I'm not allowed to mention.. 

My hair's been doing good so far. I steam it every two weeks now. I got a trim and it looks healthy. As for all the weight I lost over the summer, most of it is back on. -__-. I can't blame Aramark this time. It's like the world's telling me to jus sew my mouth shut. You'd swear I consume more than the average person. But whatever, I'll fix this. I always do. 

Regardless, today marks the day I make some changes in a lot of aspects of my life. Particularly that which involves the most influential.. (negatively influential i might add). I'm letting go of all that brings me down. It's hard to do when it's around you 24/7. But I'm trying to be more of who I used to be. I don't like who I've become. . 

I need to start aNeü.

Hope everyone is doing well. And remember,

"There's a crack in everything - that's how the light gets in" 

"You can complain because roses have thorns, or rejoice that thorns have roses." - Tom Wilson

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Neü Summer

Darlings !

Here's a quick update. It's about TIME I get to this.

I'm done with my sophomore year of uni.. and let's just say.. this one was different and I definitely bit off more than I could chew this year... Three jobs and 5 courses.. Never again. As much as I want to... It leaves you with MINIMAL study time. It's absolutely ridiculous. sigh* And so my grades suffered.. I really wish I could just do this entire year over. It was no where near my best.. I'm very disappointed in myself.. But I guess I need to try to undo the damage now and try harder in the future.

I reapplied to be an RA and I made it ! =) So you're looking at a Returner. And hopefully next year I'll be a Senior RA. It really is a good experience. And my room is getting paid for so I'm happy. I didn't get the residence with the apartments... So I'm back to living in a bedroom as of September.. and back to living off the cafeteria. >_> !!!

And Now It's SumMMmmerrRrrr.. ! And I'm not going home =(.. I won't be touching the crisp waters of Sandy beach and feeling the waves crashing into me.. No family around me... No long time friends to talk absolute nonsense. I'm stuck in Halifax =( .. But I'm trying to make the best of it. I got a Job! =) !!!! I scored a job with Emera. Same guys who gave me my scholarship. Went to the mall and got some work attire... Got clothes that I would have never worn :/ .. They actually look Okkkkk! I'm pretty excited about this.. The only bad thing is that I have to take the bus an hour away and then walk for another 15 minutes ='( ... It's in the middle of nowhere :| .. i PRAY I don't get lost on the first day. I have no idea where to stop. On top of that I still have no cell phone lol.. Well no plan up here.. I'm just using wifi. Digi sim STILL Intact.

I'm Keeping My Fingers Crossed !
