Saturday, May 29, 2010

Half Way Through The Storm

The WOrst ! -well one of them anyway- is Over !. The exam that I had been dreading has finally come to pass. Unfortunately for me, it really was difficult, and so my hopes of not getting anything less than a ''B'' have been Shattered =[  . SIgh* It really is devastating.. Oh well.. This is even more of a reason to try even harder on the upcoming exams ! CheMistry oh Chemistry. I will Slay Thee !  YEs i will!. There's still a lot of reading to get done, and a lot of papers to go over. So from now on i really should have my head in a book.! instead of at the computer.. But I, like several others out there,

Monday, May 24, 2010

ProGress?? .NO ProGreSs!

I'm finding it nearly impossible to concentrate these days.. It just seems like such a task to do just ONE thing for too long.. I really should be studying but i keep wandering aimlessly around my home.. As if school wasn't enough, I have my personal life to worry about.. Exams were already a lot to handle, I have to deal with boys too? .. Well I can't say it wasn't expected.. Things never stay the way we want them too. Even worse than that.. Yes There's MORE !. I've been having this headache that's being so AnnOyingly unbearable .. =[ . It always comes when i don't want it to; which is always ! lol. But.. really .. i hate it. And for the first time in my entire life, my House does NOT have PainKillers. . . Shocker !. seriously.. so I have to deal with it.. The headache's so bad that I cant even fall asleep..

Nothing working out okay for me these days.. When the bad gets good, the good gets worse. . . It's a vicious cycle that I don't see breaking.. But I'll still keep my head up. I always will...

I've gotten reunited with Evanescence after years of switching to new bands. I'm just realizing how much i Love their music and pretty much all the music I listened to back in the day. I am thankful to that oh So WondEring person who got me hooked on Rock in the first place.. I really don't think my life would be the same without it.. So for the while, Anywhere by Evanescence is my Sanctity, as ironic as that may be. I think Amy Lee, the lead singer, is beautiful, and her voice is absolutely mesmerizing.. She just has this way of captivating me. =] Their music takes me to a place that I never want to leave... sigh**

Have a Listen if you're iNterested


Evanescence - Anywhere

 ..Even Coldplay has an effect on me... So many of their songs take me into this 'Depressing State'. !. The dung thing about it is that I can't seem to stop myself from listening to them. TRY TRY TRY Neu..! TRY! . Nit tjeu rea;;u Are a Great namd. another one of those I abandoned till recently.. and they're getting more recognition Now. ALong with BReakiNG Benjamin ! ! !. . More on my feelings towards that band later  ! So KUdos to all of them for their success !

As brilliant as all the old ones are tho, there's this artist that i NEED to mention.! ''Erin Mc Carley'' .. I learnt about her from one of my absolute BesTies.. ~Shashiii~ She just gave me her iPod one day and told me to listen to it.. i Got the album that same day ! Not one day's gone by since that afternoon that I hadn't listened to atleast ONe song of hers.. The Album is called ''Love, Save The Empty'' . I even love the album name ! =] it just Fits. Erin even found her way into every Single one of my Playlists . ''Faves'' ''Traurig'' ''<3'' ''Quiet and SLow'' and ''Shower'' LOl.. yea..  i have a playlist just for the shower. =] .. The weird thing about this album though, is that whenever I listen to it, the song which comes on fits my mood exactly.. So I could move from enthusiastic and absolutely head over heels happy and in love, to Traurig and Gedrückt .. and her songs somewhere fit the situation that I'm in.. So Erin Mc Carley will definitely be one of those artists that I'll never Give up. . . Her song was featured on the movie ''He's Just Not That Into You'', a comedy which centers around relationships, reading human behaviour, and misreading it as well. I found most, if not all the things in that show to be true. I could definitely relate to some of the things in there ! Starshine Magazine said she's, ''Likened to a softer Fiona Apple with a sound in the same vein as Priscilla Ahn or Brandi Carlisle''. Her voice is nothing short of remarkable. Her songs have even been featured on the hit shows 'Grey's Anatomy', one of my Absolute favourite shows!... 'One Tree Hill' and 'Kyle XY'.. 

SO thanks Shashi !. Hope yOu guys like it toO.!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Beginning

Blog # 1. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to write about but I'll wing it. Over the past years I've been blogging only in my imagination. There are so many things that are worth sharing, even if it's with complete strangers. Unfortunately, a lot of people never get the chance to speak their mind. I've never been good at getting my ideas across, especially when it has to be written out ['Typed' in this case].. So this is my chance to change this, to get my views out regardless of what the subject is. The funny thing is that English was never my strong point. I was more of a Math whiz... So my urge to create a blog was really whimsical ! I still plan on working hard on it though. Writing, I've found, is like detoxing. It's a good way to get things off your chest when you don't feel like Yelling at someone. Anyway, it works just as well, with less strain on your throat.

So this is The Beginning.  I'll be far away from home, starting off my first year at University this Fall. I'll be in an entirely new environment, with different seasons, different people, different food, different weather, and this will all be happening pretty soon and I do hope things work out okay... I've never done anything on my own, [not to this extent anyway], so it'll be like an adventure. The only adventure I've ever had was in video games! ..Whenever I got stuck there were always Cheats or Walkthroughs.. I can't exactly apply that to life ! But i'll still try my best to get by. The good thing is that I'll have the ones I'm closest to within reach. Even though it may only be through phone calls or Instant Messaging. With the amount of studying that I'll need to be doing, I'm going to spend as much time as I can with them this summer. My last summer before I head off from home.

[* To The Beginning of Something 'Neu'*]

                -2010 Edition