Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chris Brown - Should've Kissed You

Hey Readers! I came across this song and I fell instantly head over WOahh ! for it.

CB has some really nice love songs..

And apart from the 15 too many tats he's got on his body,
               and the Oh So unattractive pants below the Bum, it's a decent video.

HOpe you guys enjoy it !

Here's the LInk ! 



Monday, May 9, 2011

A Legendary Sunday..


Last night, I witnessed the most amazing performance of my life. And I am not exaggerating. It was my first time attending anything like this and I do not regret it One Bit. John Legend was nothing short of spectacular. From his voice, to his moves, to his outfit; Everything was unbelievable!

The day started Early.. REALLY early. I went over to Shashi's and we were on our way. The trip was a lot longer than it was supposed to be but it didn't even feel that way. Time always flies when I'm with this girl. We spent about 2 hours in a mall. Doing what? Talking Shittt and DOING SHittt Lol. We met characters in that mall.. and we made some bold moves lol. But they all gave us a good laugh.

So we left the mall

I felt calm the entire day. It only really hit me about half an hour before he performed. I kept getting chills. The anticipation was... hm !!!!!! It just crept up on me . And when they positioned that piano in the middle of the stage, my chest was on fire. *Faints*

When he finally came out I was screaming my lungs out. My throat hurt after but it was worth it ! His performance was wonderful. And I realized just how good-looking he is without all that Hair.

During one of his performances he called someone from the audience to dance with him. That woman was so lucky that day. =( .  And he gave her a rose.. Such a gentleman *Melts*

So i posted a few pics and some Videos.!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My iBaby

This week was a Roller coaster. An unbelievably LONG and Winding Roller Coaster. .


Failed attempt at winning a ticket to go see a John Legend performance. I won't even go further into this. >_> because I was SOOOO upset !


Went to see an uncle of mine =) Haven't him in Ages ! Afterwards my mom came to get to see an autopsy being done by our pathologist. When I got into the car, she told me that the radio station was giving away tickets !! We had to call and Sing ! So HELLO !! She gave me the car directory and Flip FLip Flip! FOUnd it !
Call *busy*
Call *busy*
Call *rings*
Damn it ! The Girl won ! =( .
"Does this mean I hang up? =(" I didnt want to.. so i stayed on the line. and WHAAATT? =D *Pick Up*! i was Shaking ! My voice was shaking. Everything! They asked for my name and where I was from and all that Jive. And then I sang. It's so funny how the moment you need to remember lyrics you Can't ! I tried my best anyway. I just wish I had access to the internet at that moment! Grr. Anyways I won =) ! And I get to go see JL with one of my Besstiiiiieeeesssss <3 . Yah . We got a Date =)


* My hair got Done. and my hair got CHopped OFF ! =( . I didn't cry.. and I'm proud of myself for that.. But it still didn't turn out the way I wanted too.. The hair cut lacks character.. and she messed up my bangs a bit.. bleh. They're too even. Doesn't look like a decent side bang anymore.. but w/e.. I'm waiting for it all to grow back =)

* I saw a LOT of my Friends =D . Which absolutely made my dayyyyy

* At the end of the night I hopped on a bus to go see a friend.. Got to the house and The WORST thing that cud've have happened to me at that moment DID. :| . I searched through my bag for my iPod Touch and . ='( My baby was Gone. ='( !!!! Tracked down the driver but it wasn't there.. some idiot had taken it already. wow. I hate people like that... I hope he NEVER gets to use it because it has a Password on there! Bastard. =( . No more Tweeting on the go.. No more Fb.. no Skype.. no Msn.. no Angry Birds. no more Free texting to all my friends =( . Nothing. sigh*
The thing even had my name on it =( . ..

So that was the ending to my day...

And my week.

That last bit overshadowed all the things that made me happy over the past few days.. Just when I was starting to look on the brighter side of things... This happens to me.. =(

Monday, May 2, 2011

May's Been Nothing But Bad Neü's..

Slowly.. I'm falling into a depression..

Some thing seems to go wrong with every passing moment

Frankly, I don't want to deal with any of them..

But I have to..

Technology is against me, I nearly lost ALL my music. Thanks to a friend of mine I managed to recover them but I'm trying to get things back to exactly the way it was and it's taking so much effort.. I've been at it for over a day now and I'm not near the end yet..

My weight has become too much. Seriously. I have to work my butt off. AGaIn.
Why THe HEck Do ppl Find it NEcessary that the FIRST thing they say when they see me is that I've gained weight???


 saodjf;lasdfjkf;asljkfl;asjkf !!

I won't even waste my time CURSING them OUT Here.

UGH ! UPsetting !.!


Now that I'm home, I'm realizing how damaging the weather in Halifax was to my Hair.. What was once long and thick has now become thin and rapidly directed its way into a ridiculous deplorable state..

Just one day ago, a friend walked out of my life.. and it really hit me Hard.. I'm literally sulking over it..

And My Relationship? sigh*. Regardless of the fact that we're a 5 minute drive away from each other.. our connection.. Feels..  nearly non-existent.

I spent the last two day just lying in my room because I don't feel like doing anything else.. I don't want to see anyone.. I definitely don't want anyone to see me..

Unless I'm able to hide EveRyThing.. and there's a lot to hide..

I'm not happy.. And things are just going to get worse.. before even a slight ray of sunshine makes it way in..