Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Neü Summer

Darlings !

Here's a quick update. It's about TIME I get to this.

I'm done with my sophomore year of uni.. and let's just say.. this one was different and I definitely bit off more than I could chew this year... Three jobs and 5 courses.. Never again. As much as I want to... It leaves you with MINIMAL study time. It's absolutely ridiculous. sigh* And so my grades suffered.. I really wish I could just do this entire year over. It was no where near my best.. I'm very disappointed in myself.. But I guess I need to try to undo the damage now and try harder in the future.

I reapplied to be an RA and I made it ! =) So you're looking at a Returner. And hopefully next year I'll be a Senior RA. It really is a good experience. And my room is getting paid for so I'm happy. I didn't get the residence with the apartments... So I'm back to living in a bedroom as of September.. and back to living off the cafeteria. >_> !!!

And Now It's SumMMmmerrRrrr.. ! And I'm not going home =(.. I won't be touching the crisp waters of Sandy beach and feeling the waves crashing into me.. No family around me... No long time friends to talk absolute nonsense. I'm stuck in Halifax =( .. But I'm trying to make the best of it. I got a Job! =) !!!! I scored a job with Emera. Same guys who gave me my scholarship. Went to the mall and got some work attire... Got clothes that I would have never worn :/ .. They actually look Okkkkk! I'm pretty excited about this.. The only bad thing is that I have to take the bus an hour away and then walk for another 15 minutes ='( ... It's in the middle of nowhere :| .. i PRAY I don't get lost on the first day. I have no idea where to stop. On top of that I still have no cell phone lol.. Well no plan up here.. I'm just using wifi. Digi sim STILL Intact.

I'm Keeping My Fingers Crossed !
