Monday, May 2, 2011

May's Been Nothing But Bad Neü's..

Slowly.. I'm falling into a depression..

Some thing seems to go wrong with every passing moment

Frankly, I don't want to deal with any of them..

But I have to..

Technology is against me, I nearly lost ALL my music. Thanks to a friend of mine I managed to recover them but I'm trying to get things back to exactly the way it was and it's taking so much effort.. I've been at it for over a day now and I'm not near the end yet..

My weight has become too much. Seriously. I have to work my butt off. AGaIn.
Why THe HEck Do ppl Find it NEcessary that the FIRST thing they say when they see me is that I've gained weight???


 saodjf;lasdfjkf;asljkfl;asjkf !!

I won't even waste my time CURSING them OUT Here.

UGH ! UPsetting !.!


Now that I'm home, I'm realizing how damaging the weather in Halifax was to my Hair.. What was once long and thick has now become thin and rapidly directed its way into a ridiculous deplorable state..

Just one day ago, a friend walked out of my life.. and it really hit me Hard.. I'm literally sulking over it..

And My Relationship? sigh*. Regardless of the fact that we're a 5 minute drive away from each other.. our connection.. Feels..  nearly non-existent.

I spent the last two day just lying in my room because I don't feel like doing anything else.. I don't want to see anyone.. I definitely don't want anyone to see me..

Unless I'm able to hide EveRyThing.. and there's a lot to hide..

I'm not happy.. And things are just going to get worse.. before even a slight ray of sunshine makes it way in..


ShinRose said... gives everyone a nice kick in the arse every once in a while, you just need a bit of patience to deal with that one..

You and your bloody weight woman!! For the last bloody time you h ave no reason...I repeat, NO REASON to lose weight!!! -_-' Bullah!! Seen a pic of you from the beach party thingy, you look fine. FINE I say!! Gosh! 8-) Tell these ppl who tell you otherwise to get their eyes checked cuz I swear you look like you've lost a good bit since I last saw you.

Your hair...I recommended you visit MY hair dresser...sooo much closer(&and better, but thats my opinion) Get Shaz to go with you.

What friend? :S As for you and Mr Potato...hmm...cant really say much...last time I saw you guys you were pretty much inseparable at least 50% of the time...fix it. xD ANd you lucky my ass isn't in SLU. The way I'd be dragging your butt out the house.

Smile my boobie :] I<3U

Neupri said...

i LOoking WAAAT? :| . smh. loOk at my Pic at the Bio tour, and look at the recent ones. hmph. if you saw me you'd say something different.

a scew u ! >_>

Friend?. One from SMU...

And i STILL doh wanna go outside!

I only leave my room to go to the kitchen and to the bathroom lol .
Angry Birds the WHOOOLE Day

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