Sunday, June 12, 2011

Working Girl !

This summer really isn't like any of the previous ones.. 

I don't get to wake up whenever I want to, or sleep as late as I want to because I'll be too tired at work! Grr! It's a bit annoying sometimes.. I feel like I'm being robbed of my summer =( . But you gotta do what you gotta do right?

I got a job at a lab, with people I know so it really is a bit fun. My coworkers ALwaYs have something going on so you're never really bored - except for those moments where I've done all there is to do and I'm left idle for wayyy too long. But nonetheless it's a pretty okay job. I get to learn a lot about the tests, and machines, and how everything operates, and there are books in there that I SHOULD be reading but ms procrastination is preventing me :/ . 

There's also a pathologist who comes down about once a month or so, and I get to watch him cut everything up and analyze them. Great way to learn because I'm seeing everything right in front of me. Even though pathology isn't my field, it's still knowledge.

I'm still trying to make this summer FuN. I'm going to every event that I deem FuN, and so far MOST of them have been that way. No complaints.

I've also joined the Gym!. Though I ditched the last class... I really had nothing to wear :/. but it's not as bad as it sounds ! I still work out at home like I did last summer, so I'm not cheating myself of anything much.. but I better step up my game!

 I've been given and opportunity to do something that I've wanted to for SO long and I have a month to get ready ! So I'm hoping everything turns out the way I NEED them Too ! WIsh me Luck !

Love Always,
Neü =)


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