Saturday, August 20, 2011

Things That Annoyyyy Meee

People who have the attitude of a bitter 60 yr old woman who lived her entire life with just her moody cats.

People who think they're too Old to be called a Kid. And they haven't even hit 16 yet. Get over yourself

Males who INSIST they're Men But have NO responsibility and can't even take care of themselves

People who can't wait for summer to be over so they can be back at school

Girls who wear a mask and call it make-up

People who play games all day instead of studying and complain about bad grades

People who think it's dumb to like things you post. --> So WHat? The options there. Why not tell Zuckerberg it's Dumb? hmph. And i'll Hi-5 myself if i want to, Damn it 

People who shave off their eyebrows and draw on new ones

GIrls who Plaster gel on the side of their face.

People who don't carry their weight in group assignments.

People who INSIST that you say GoodMOrning or GoodAfternoon and they themselves say it to everyone with NO Emotion

People who respond to Long Bloody messages with 'K'

People who say they don't like a song when you introduce them to it, then 3 months later when it's on the radio they love it

When someone says "No Homo"

People who accept requests from ppl they dont know then complain they have too many contacts

When ppl from up north find it too much of a hassle to come down here to see us, but think it's a walk in the park for us to go all the way up there to see them. 

When Someone does something STupid to Tick you off and later come speaking to you like nothing ever happened, asking you why you're mad -_-' !!!!. APOLOGIZE Damn it !

People who ask to borrow your phone and go through your messages

People who don't put their blackberry's on silent, and INSIST on carrying on a million conversations on that thing.

People who don't use headphones on public transportation

People who fart in the elevator.

People who steal

People who walk RIDICULOUSLY Slow in the hallway. in PAIRS.

People who tag themselves in their profile picture

Idiots who pull the fire alarm at 3 in the morning

Idiots who pull the fire alarm PEriod

Roger's Ringback.

Waiting 5 hours at the hospital in Halifax to see a Dr. When there are only TWO people in the waiting room

An international student's Medical Bill after visiting that hospital 

When it changes from Snow to Rain in 3 hours. -_-' Halifax 

People who Stand in the middle of an isle.




Men who pee on the side of the road

When hairdressers INSIST that what you're explaining is NOT what you really mean.

Being annoyed



Having short hair

Being hungry

Skinny girls who complain they're Fat.

People who misspell Loss, Lose, and Loose.

People who failed Basic Math for Cxc.

Girls who speak RIdiculously Loud.

People who don't put their Blackberry on silent and carry out a million conversations on it

Waiting for videos to load

That person at the cinema who refuses to Shut up

When guys take pictures of themselves flaunting cash

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Waiting For The End..

I only have one week left in this paradise... and I'm more than just a bit disappointed...

There were so many things I wanted to do... Most of the time I'm stuck at either my home or his just watching television. Just once I'd wish he'd just say "Babe, I'm taking you to Wherever, Whenever, Go Get ready." Like that would ever happen... Every time I make plans with him to go out somewhere, he bails. I've been wanting to go to lunch at this restaurant near by. Every single time I ask him he comes up with some reason to not go - "I don't feel like it." "Another day." "Tomorrow." They all tick me off. Finally we set a date. I got all dressed up and went to town to wait for him. He had to go visit family the plan was to call me when he was leaving so we could meet there. It was about 2:30 and he still hadn't called, so I decided to. And Guess what, he was asleep. Then he said he was in a bad mood, he didn't want to go anymore.

Well THANK YOU Sir, for making me wait for you in town for 3 hours! You didn't even have the decency to call and cancel! And his reasons are SO ridiculous sometimes. If the people around you are pissing you off then wouldn't it make more sense to leave your damn house??? UGH !! You're such a PAIN sometimes I swear !

As for that waterfall you promised to take me to, we have Yet to go there and i doubt we ever will.

Oh! And he keeps reminding me that he's got all this work to do to prepare for school, which starts on Monday btw.. Know what that means? I probably won't be seeing him at all for the entire week. Why? He's going to complain about being tired and blahhh blahhh blahhh. So I might as well just cut him out of the rest of my vacation and make plans with everyone else since they're more than likely to happen.

I'm still upset that he only took me to the beach twice. And even then I literally had to BEG him, and we finally got to go after a rescheduling a million times. UGH.!

I'm frustrated.. Really, I am.. sigh*


Monday, August 15, 2011

Now that work is over...

So I'm out of work. Had my last day on the 5th, but I volunteered to work on the 12th because one of the workers needed to take a day off. I missed being there. Two of the other workers were on vacation as well.  So with all the Loud people gone, it was nice and quiet. Spent a lot of time talking to Ernie. He's pretty fun now. I'm gonna miss him.

Now I'm stuck at home, and it's kinda boring being here by myself. Well I'm by myself in my room anyway. I don't particularly like leaving it. But I'm gaining weight just lying in here. I only leave to eat and use the bathroom :/ . I've decided to make the effort to Sit Down instead of laying down lol. ohhh boiii.


Shashi and Zior got a job =) . But they both started the week AFTER i got off mine. *Pouts* So did another friend of mine. Rawr. So Darling's still pretty much the only one i see on a regular basis. He rarely comes here though, and I don't like being cooked up in this place alone. He's supposed to come over today but it's pouring like crazy. He always comes late anyway. Guess this just means that he'll be here late-R.

I've been making a list of things that I want to do and places I want to visit before I leave here.

- Go to the beach again. Many more times. lol
- Visit waterfalls
- Climb the Pitons and go to the Piton Falls

- Go to dinner with the Love. And get all dressed up too
- Go to the Beacon with Shashi. It's a restaurant of a past teacher of ours.

- Go to the Rain Forest

- Get a day pass to a hotel

But MOST of all,

- Spend time with my Mommy  =)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Scholarship update

Hello Readers!!!

Remember that Scholarship I applied for about two months a back? I got an e-mail from them asking me for my number because they wanted to ask me some questions regarding it... So I'm thinking ''Ohh my GOSH !! Does that mean I'm in the running? =D " ! So I responded, and they still hadn't called me the next day... =( . I went through my sent messages and -_-'' I gave them His number instead..... :$ I call him way too many times, that's why. I'm in a state of Panic right about now :| . For one we were already in a bit of a squabble. I called him anyway and turns out he missed BOth their calls. Doesn't anyone walk around with their call phone anymore???

So I called them, and told them what I'd done.. :$ She laughed. And then she told me that I'd gotten the scholarshiiiiiiip ! =D ! EXCITEMENT !!!!! I was literally moving about in my seat lol. Trying hard to compose myself but it was a bit of a fail.

So there you have it! Yours truly is the

2011 awardee 
for the 
Emera Scholarship For St. Lucia Residents 

And I'm very happy about that. Granted that it only covers 25% of my yearly tuition, it's still a big help. I have to work my butt off to keep it and to get more as well. SMU hasn't gotten back to me about those I'd apply for. I believe the schedule date is in October. So when the time comes, I'll let you guys know how things turned out!

They sent me an e-mail afterwards asking for a graduation photo to put onto their website. I barely had any decent ones to give them :/. I didn't really take any portraits, and I have NOne with me holding my awards. The only one a photographer took with me collecting it is no where to be found.. And it was a good one too. I got the Most Academic Student Award 2008. Proud. And the Prime Minister was the one who handed it to me. I was pretty upset right before they had called my name. I'd only gotten an award for Math when we went up for our certificates, and I wasn't happy about it. I refused to speak to anyone.. So that put a smile on my face. The most memorable thing about that photo were my shoes lol. Skechers. I didn't own heels then. Didn't bother shop for it either. But I didn't mind at all ! It was a rainy day and it would be a hassle getting around in those things. I don't like the idea of my feet being wet either...

So I made it onto the internet! yay ! =). I've always wanted that :$ lol . I assume I'll be informed when the article comes out. 

It goes to show that if you're set on getting something, and you do all you can, even when things seem Dim, you can get what you work for.

That's it for now.



Here's an insight to what it's like living on campus at SMU

SMU's made me Love

-Fruit Salad. Especially when they have the granola clusters to add to it.

-Cheerios! i HATED those before :|

-Chocolate Milk. Yummm

-That Mysterious Cereal with the different flakes... I have No idea what it is but it tastes Woahhhh

-Poutine !! This is basically french fries with gravy and cheese. Tastes good with chicken in there. Sounds a bit gross, but it tastes wonderful ! :$ Guilty pleasure. It makes you Fat ! LOL :| NO lie. Do NOT eat this at night. Lesson Learnt.

-Donair sauce. I still wonder what it's made of but it tastes good with garlic slice.

-Sweet Potato Fries. <3

-Courteous Males. AND Females. =). I assure you, chivalry is Alive in Halifax. Guys will go out of their way to hold the door open for you, THat's for sure. <3 . It's something I can't help but appreciate. Especially since when I get back home it's nonexistent . (N)

I would put snow on that list but you love it as much as you hate it. It's nice to look at, fun to play in, you Hope for a blizzard so that you can have a snow day, but those moments when you actually want to go outside, it becomes a pain. Not to mention one of my favourite boots got ruined. But I think that has more to do with Halifax's indecisive weather. I went out one night and it was Snowing. A few hours later it was Pouring rain ! And I don't mean any ordinary rainfall. The streets were beginning to Flood :| . sigh*. Don't buy suede ...

SMU's made me Hate

-Fire Alarms. And the idiots who pull them ! Waking up at 3 am to walk down 15 flights of stairs and walk back up again is NOT fun ! Especially when you have an exam at 9 at morning ! It doesn't even make sense waiting for the elevator because it'll take you about 10 times as long to get to your room.

-Immature freshman. To tell you the truth, most of those students who do the most ridiculous things are the Canadians. And I'm not speaking about the Hilariously ridiculous. Just the plain old WHy the HECk would you do That/?!! *ANNOYED* !!!!!! -_-'' .

-Smokers. I can't stand them even more now ! They decide to smoke where everyone NEEDS to pass so you always get hit RIght in the face with that Gust of Death. UCk ! Absolutely wretched !. Someone needs to Slap them and put them all in a Hole.

-Partiers. It's fine to go out every now and then, but to do it every weekend? The worst part is science kids have school on Friday, unless the rest of the student body. So while we still have to be finishing up labs and preparing for recitation, you hear people galloping up and down the halls Screaming.

-Living in the same suite with Boys. Now some of them are ok, but others are anything BUT hygienic. Especially those I Lived with last year. UGH ! Disgusting ! Which is why a bunch of my female friends got together and requested an all-female suite. I suggest other people do the same.. But since 2 of us landed the position of an RA that plan didn't carry through.

-People who INSIST on walking slowly. Know those moments when you need to get somewhere and those 3 girls decided to take up the entire width of the hallway and stroll so they can have their Chat? It takes all you have to not Smack the gossip out of them. Be considerate and stick to ONE side of the hallway PLEASE ! Hm !

But words of Advice, TRY your best to leave for class early. ie earlier than 15 minutes before class starts, and before it ends as well. The elevators move at snail pace, stopping at every floor. You might as well take the stairs..

Speaking of which... going to this school really does make you lazy. We rely on the elevator way more than we should. Back home we did so much walking to get from point A to point B. Even walking from the hangout spot to the caf, and then to class was a lot, but we did it anyway. And walking all through town to get a bus. I need to forget about the whole elevator business. Except those times when I'm in a rush.

I think that's all for now. If there's anything else I think of I'll add it on here later.

Neü !