People who have the attitude of a bitter 60 yr old woman who lived her entire life with just her moody cats.
People who think they're too Old to be called a Kid. And they haven't even hit 16 yet. Get over yourself
Males who INSIST they're Men But have NO responsibility and can't even take care of themselves
People who can't wait for summer to be over so they can be back at school
Girls who wear a mask and call it make-up
People who play games all day instead of studying and complain about bad grades
People who think it's dumb to like things you post. --> So WHat? The options there. Why not tell Zuckerberg it's Dumb? hmph. And i'll Hi-5 myself if i want to, Damn it
People who shave off their eyebrows and draw on new ones
GIrls who Plaster gel on the side of their face.
People who don't carry their weight in group assignments.
People who INSIST that you say GoodMOrning or GoodAfternoon and they themselves say it to everyone with NO Emotion
People who respond to Long Bloody messages with 'K'
People who say they don't like a song when you introduce them to it, then 3 months later when it's on the radio they love it
When someone says "No Homo"
People who accept requests from ppl they dont know then complain they have too many contacts
When ppl from up north find it too much of a hassle to come down here to see us, but think it's a walk in the park for us to go all the way up there to see them.
When Someone does something STupid to Tick you off and later come speaking to you like nothing ever happened, asking you why you're mad -_-' !!!!. APOLOGIZE Damn it !
People who ask to borrow your phone and go through your messages
People who don't put their blackberry's on silent, and INSIST on carrying on a million conversations on that thing.
People who don't use headphones on public transportation
People who Stand in the middle of an isle.
Men who pee on the side of the road
When hairdressers INSIST that what you're explaining is NOT what you really mean.
Being annoyed
Having short hair
Being hungry