Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cluttered blog !

I really need to get rid of all those ads on my blog. They're not beneficial at all. Not to me anyway.. I allowed them all to be on there hoping I'd get paid for it..

This was during the period when I was determined to make blogging a source of income for myself. I'm still up for it but things just aren't working out apparently. So!

No cash? 
No useless ads cluttering my Darling! 

When I have the free time I'm try figuring out how to undo all of this. =[ I can't seem to remember.

Graduation.. . .

In a few hours from now, (more than 3, less than 12), my friends and classmates from my old school will be graduating. The only way I'd be able to attend is if I flew home for the weekend and could make it back on campus by Monday morning at 8:30 for my exam. Possibility? Nil. So, I'll be missing it.. I really can't say that it's very smart of the organizers to host such an important event at the end of November when they know that many of the students have shipped off to universities around the globe. It's as idiotic as it is selfish. So many of us are denied the chance of a reunion with so many of the people we may never see again. Who knows if I paths will ever cross... And if they do, it won't all be in the same place at the same time... Hm..

But I want to congratulate everyone who survived SALCC !! =]


It's 1 and the morning and i'm up reading articles for psych.. and being ANNOYED by this Child. UGH !!!! I swear I just want to HIT him SOmeTimes! . MORE than SOmetimes! UGH !

and I'm hungry..

sigh.. >_>

Sound the Alarm !

It's 2:37 a.m in the fax, and I'm on my laptop reading up for my psych paper and talking to Lexi.. then what to i hear?


The loud and obnoxious continuous ringing of the fire alarm. The first one for the year in Loyola Residence. Vanier and Rice have had a couple already and they weren't happy about them at all ! So now it's our turn. I must admit I was a bit excited.. I figured it was just a drill but it turns out someone set off the smoke detector. So I put on my flip flops and make my way to the stairs. It was already crowded with students making their way downwards. I met some friends and we made our way down together. After walking down a couple of flights I learn that we're heading to the OutSide of the Building :|. Why oh WHY did I think that we'd just be going to the ground floor?? sigh* BLonde moment... So I had to walk out into 0ºC in shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops. Ypp!. Only me =]. Surprisingly though, I didn't feel cold! Lucky Me. A group of us decided to wait the entire thing out in another building instead of just standing outside in that temperature.

Eventually we all made it back to our rooms. There was a rather LONG wait to get onto the elevator..

So now it's 4:07 a.m and I'm typing this up.. I'm bored, can't seem to make myself study.. or at least continue this paper.. Everyone's been feeling so BLeH about school lately.. and, I'm hungry. There are disadvantages to living in a bedroom.. No food.. and the Dining hall opens in 5 hours. SInce I had a late night last night, I slept almost the entire afternoon, so I'm wide awake. . and it just keeps getting better doesn't it. hmph. I want something to munch on.. or at least someone to talk to.. Everyone's already in bed. So it's just me, myself and Irene basically.. Maybe putting some music on will help.

Put my Neu playlist on . =]

Thursday, November 25, 2010

From An Amazing Movie to a WinTer W[o]nDerLand

My friends and I went to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.. Finally !

The movie I've been waiting for since I saw the Half Blood Prince.. and It was WonderFul !!!!! Considering how much of a let down the last two movies were,.. No, the last THREE Movies were, this one was a real turnaround. Everything came together nicely and I really enjoyed it. I can't remember all the details since I read the book over two years ago, but this movie did not let me down. I just wished that it was longer =[ . I could sense the end coming when Voldemort raised that wand. I literally said ''No.. Noo. Please don't tell me it's done already! NO!!!!!!!!''

*End credits* 

.. Sad Neu !! =[ It really didn't feel like I was seated in there for 2 1/2 hours. Guess that's the trait of a good movie. I felt so emotional during the movie though.. The deaths, how things were turning out, and the fact that this series, that I've been in love with for so many years is finally coming to and end =[. Part 2 will be released in July, and after that, it'll all be over.. ='[.. I hate goodbyes.. But Potter and I had some really good times. J.K made me laugh, cry, get angry, excited, EVERTHING. Truly an amazing and creative piece of writing.

I follow this blog by Audree and I absolutely loved her review. Check it out *points below*

Fabulous 35mm-"Does this make my film look fat?": Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...

If you thought the magic was over when the movie ended you were wrong! Because I sure was! I left the mall and stumbled upon a winter wonderland!!! I was so excited! It had snowed while we were watching the movie. I LOVE Christmas ! and I've always Loved snow! Though I've never seen it till a few days ago, the thought of it always made me smile. I guess all those holiday movies and songs got to me. So we played in the snow and had a mini snowball fight. I wish I had gotten pictures but I had no camera =[ . damn ! Unfortunately we couldn't play for long because my hands were freezing! Snow is cold Lol. :$ So the night ended quite well. My hair got a little wet from the melted snow, but I didn't mind.. Not one bit.

So for the while, I'm happy. Happy with the snow, not so much with the cold.

Another exciting thing that happened to me though... On my way to dinner, I saw one of the worker [The Jolly one that reminds me of Santa Clause =D] had 3D Glitter Glue, and was about to write on the window glass. I asked if I could do it and he said yes :O ! Can you believe it??? =D. He's so nice. lol. So I wrote it in Red with Green accents, and drew a Christmas Hat on the C. When I was done he told me to sign my name on there. WHAAAAAAAT!!!?????? No way... My night just got Better lol. So for this holiday season, my name is written quite nicely on glass. I hope I get to snag a picture of it before they take it off.

...It goes to show you that you should be open every once in a while.

Never be afraid to experience something Neü..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Return with Firsts

Hey !!

It's been Ages since I've written anything on here! I know that! Time just flies by so quickly. So I'll fill you in on all that's happening right now..

Unfortunately I don't have anything heartfelt to write about right now, so I'm just letting you guys know how things are going with me.

Midterms are done. All of them ! My results were good =] . but not as good as I wanted them to be so I am a bit disappointed... but that's alright I guess.

But right now I'm behind on studies !! And I've had some First .

- First time i drank Coffee!

I was so hyper i felt like I was Tipsy ! Honestly ! It was crazy. I was walking around the cafeteria and things were flying past me. I couldn't sit still at all :| . I won't be drinking that stuff anymore! But I will admit that it kept me awake. Biology is so draining. All we do is listen to the prof, and it's all stuff I know already. Hopefully this will change when I'm learning something new because I don't want my most loved subject to turn into my most hated. =[

-First time I Skipped a class

Yes, I skipped a class.. I was hoping to go the entire year without missing any but =[ .. I felt so weak after Calculus; my eyes were rolling to the back of my head and moving around uncontrollably. I just couldn't stay awake. I went up to bed and woke up 2 1/2 hours later and I felt AmaZinG. I wish I could feel that way every time I woke up.. I fall asleep at 3 and wake up at 7:30 Mondays and Wednesdays.. and 9 the other days. And I'm so inactive in this place, so it feels like my metabolism is going down. =[. Back home there was so much walking, and people to walk with. In this place, it's so cold that you just want to stay in bed. I never really want to go outside because my hands feel almost frozen ! I go to the gym but if feels almost pointless because it's too cold to sweat! Even with the windows closed the air is so painful to take in. I can't wait to get used to this. The worst part, everyone says to me ''this weather, is actually nice. Wait till January, THAT's when it gets cold!" So. I'll be waiting for January apparently! But honestly, it can take it's cool time thanks !

-First time I walked out of a class early

It's not as mad as skipping a class, but I left Bio when we still had 20 minutes left. Couldn't keep my eyes open.. End of Story

-First time I missed a Quiz

Everything Thursday, we have a quiz at the beginning of class.. After I left Bio early, I took a nap. Someone work me up 10 minutes before class and well.. I wasted time I got there 10 minutes after class had begun, and for the first time the prof didn't let a late-comer write the quiz and collect it after about 5 minutes. :| She just told us NO. And I'm a good student! =[ PUnishment? Karma? hm... Early to bed, early to rise.. My psych paper is supposed to highlight the importance of sleep. I have a ton of articles to read and I've barely touched one. [Behind on work ! ] .. So eventually I'll know the real importance of sleep.. But I need to ... work =[.

-First time I had Indian Food

It was Indian Night at the caf.. So yyp Indian Cuisine. I need to describe the food here in detail in another blog ! ''Life at SMU'' . oooooooooooo.. But some of it was Ok =] I enjoyed it. But it's fattyyyy. I want food from back home .. miss it so much..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Morning After...

.. My first NIght ClubbiNg that is!!

ƒ ü N

Last night I went to The Dome. aka The Dirty Dome. With good reason! The people there find it necessary to give everyone beers in bottles and drinks in Glass Cups! Are they SerIous??? In a place where so many people drink Way tOo Much and get WasTed, you do NOT want to waste MOre money buying glasses all the time. Not to mention all the broken glass on the floor is a Major Health Hazard. Some unlucky girl had the chance of proving that.. She got knocked out in the end. . Unfortunate...

But I shouldn't be speaking about the end of the night before the beginning!

So it was my first night clubbing and I was excited! I finally wore this top that I bought over a year ago! It's just been sitting in my drawer waiting to be worn.! I didn't even get a full body picture, so I guess I won't be putting any up here..
Took the bus to get there and the people on there were so LOUD ! Outside was freezing too by the way. My gloves do NOT help. These hands of mine have NO insulation at all..

When I got there I was a bit nervous.. since none of my partying friends were there, thought it wouldn't be fun. They're all back home.. *saddened* .. But I met up with more friends and this girl! I met her for the first time there and she turned out to be quite FUN ! I owe her for what she did for me that night ^_^.

We scouted guys.. Not much luck.. for me anyway. All the decent looking guys I saw had something wrong with them.. One turned out to be a pig.. and his dancing was.. well.. moving on. ! . I'm already a terrible dancer so if I don't even like the way you dance then.. wow. but anyway.. Some people are just pretty faces right?.

Luckily though, a bunch of the guys that I hang out with FINALLY made it to the club after being on the line for about an hour + ! Poor them... So the night turned out to be fun.

. I left before the club closed to avoid the Rush..But the guys wanted to stay until the end so I left them all behind and I made my way home. My ride Bailed on me though.. SuPer.!!! But I'm a big girl. Took care of myself.

Got home at about 3:30 n went to bed at 5 =p ! Woke up at 1, ate, slept lol, and woke up at 5:30. I was TIRED lol. and I still am ! But there's work to be done so I'm pulling my socks up ! Literally lol.


Be Good Everyone =] !


It's good to be nice to people. It's the Neu way of doing things.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

2nd Round of Midterms.

I finished my last midterm today. Thank goodness that's over.. and they weren't that bad. Biology went well, and calculus went SOO much better than I expected ! I'm definitely getting an A in that!.. Overconfidence?? =[ Hm.. Guilty thoughts now.. I'll rephrase. ''I THInk I managed an A =]''. Betterrrr. Psych.. hm.. I had it and calculus on the same day.. so I kept switching back and forth. But I needed to put a lot more effort into psych. Recitations give us practice each week, unlike psych where we don't have weekly quizzes or anything of the sort.. And I felt like I was learning some of the things for the first time. It wouldn't be so bad if I could actually stay awake in class! I don't know why but I'm so drained in there. In calc. as well but it's not so intense. But I'm fine in spanish. Maybe it's because of the interaction. We get to do work for spanish, and write stuff down for calc. With psych, we just listen to the lecturer as he explains slides which can be found online so we don't really need to pay that much attention. Everything on there and more is in the text book anyway.

So next on the list: Finals ! My only opportunity to make up for psych! If i get a B in this midterm I think I'll cry... So I'll be reading ahead. Not just reading.. but STudyIng! Understanding everything and keeping it all in my noodle. That'll help avoid the late nights and 4 hour sleeps.

I nearly overslept for the Biology midterm today :| . Thank goodness for my roomie. I kept setting the alarm for 5, 10 or 20 minutes longer, but I forgot to reset it after the last time it went off. She woke me before the exam started. Grateful! But I slept through my extra studying time.. Good thing I had already showered that morning, so I was dressed and ready. Just had to grab my stuff and run out of there.

I had 2 nightmares during that nap. In both of them, I woke up at 12:35pm ! And my exam started at 11:30 am . So I'd missed my exam! . I freaked out so badly I woke up screaming :| . Bad dream... terribly bad dream... and even after I woke up I went back to bed because I was so tired.. Maybe those dreams were a forecast of what would've happened. If roomie wasn't there I really WOULD have slept through that midterm! *sigh* Gotta Love her..

Advice? If you have to take the elevator, NEVER leave for an exam less than 15 minutes before it starts! There's the elevator rush just before classes, where everyone's trying to get onto one, so it stops on a million floors before it gets to you, and stops on a million floors on your way down to pick more people up.

Pretty soon I'll be put up a post about all the Do's and Don't's, and the Like's and Dislikes for ~SMU~

It'll be a Long one! ;)