Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Return with Firsts

Hey !!

It's been Ages since I've written anything on here! I know that! Time just flies by so quickly. So I'll fill you in on all that's happening right now..

Unfortunately I don't have anything heartfelt to write about right now, so I'm just letting you guys know how things are going with me.

Midterms are done. All of them ! My results were good =] . but not as good as I wanted them to be so I am a bit disappointed... but that's alright I guess.

But right now I'm behind on studies !! And I've had some First .

- First time i drank Coffee!

I was so hyper i felt like I was Tipsy ! Honestly ! It was crazy. I was walking around the cafeteria and things were flying past me. I couldn't sit still at all :| . I won't be drinking that stuff anymore! But I will admit that it kept me awake. Biology is so draining. All we do is listen to the prof, and it's all stuff I know already. Hopefully this will change when I'm learning something new because I don't want my most loved subject to turn into my most hated. =[

-First time I Skipped a class

Yes, I skipped a class.. I was hoping to go the entire year without missing any but =[ .. I felt so weak after Calculus; my eyes were rolling to the back of my head and moving around uncontrollably. I just couldn't stay awake. I went up to bed and woke up 2 1/2 hours later and I felt AmaZinG. I wish I could feel that way every time I woke up.. I fall asleep at 3 and wake up at 7:30 Mondays and Wednesdays.. and 9 the other days. And I'm so inactive in this place, so it feels like my metabolism is going down. =[. Back home there was so much walking, and people to walk with. In this place, it's so cold that you just want to stay in bed. I never really want to go outside because my hands feel almost frozen ! I go to the gym but if feels almost pointless because it's too cold to sweat! Even with the windows closed the air is so painful to take in. I can't wait to get used to this. The worst part, everyone says to me ''this weather, is actually nice. Wait till January, THAT's when it gets cold!" So. I'll be waiting for January apparently! But honestly, it can take it's cool time thanks !

-First time I walked out of a class early

It's not as mad as skipping a class, but I left Bio when we still had 20 minutes left. Couldn't keep my eyes open.. End of Story

-First time I missed a Quiz

Everything Thursday, we have a quiz at the beginning of class.. After I left Bio early, I took a nap. Someone work me up 10 minutes before class and well.. I wasted time I got there 10 minutes after class had begun, and for the first time the prof didn't let a late-comer write the quiz and collect it after about 5 minutes. :| She just told us NO. And I'm a good student! =[ PUnishment? Karma? hm... Early to bed, early to rise.. My psych paper is supposed to highlight the importance of sleep. I have a ton of articles to read and I've barely touched one. [Behind on work ! ] .. So eventually I'll know the real importance of sleep.. But I need to ... work =[.

-First time I had Indian Food

It was Indian Night at the caf.. So yyp Indian Cuisine. I need to describe the food here in detail in another blog ! ''Life at SMU'' . oooooooooooo.. But some of it was Ok =] I enjoyed it. But it's fattyyyy. I want food from back home .. miss it so much..


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're enjoying your college experience. It sounds fun :) and Neu :D

And no more skipping classes woman! Go to bed early! Hmph

Neupri said...

impossible !!!!.

guess i'll just go to class tired

Tresha said...

dont listen to kiki .. Keep up the good work :)

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