Saturday, November 27, 2010

Graduation.. . .

In a few hours from now, (more than 3, less than 12), my friends and classmates from my old school will be graduating. The only way I'd be able to attend is if I flew home for the weekend and could make it back on campus by Monday morning at 8:30 for my exam. Possibility? Nil. So, I'll be missing it.. I really can't say that it's very smart of the organizers to host such an important event at the end of November when they know that many of the students have shipped off to universities around the globe. It's as idiotic as it is selfish. So many of us are denied the chance of a reunion with so many of the people we may never see again. Who knows if I paths will ever cross... And if they do, it won't all be in the same place at the same time... Hm..

But I want to congratulate everyone who survived SALCC !! =]


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