Readers!! I am BAck HOME ! =D !!
Finally I'm out of that WrEtched Place! .. Alright.. Truth be told, it isn't that bad... Halifax is a nice place.. It's quiet, and there's a tree in every direction. i Love Nature <3 . Not too much of it though lol. It's somewhat of a fake city.. Like they've dumped some urban buildings into a rural area.. Which I like. You get a good bit of both worlds. Definitely not the best. The thing that ruins the city the most is the weather!! It's cold for 3/4 of the year! How ridiculous is THat??! sigh*. But as happy as I was to be leaving that place, I was upset that I had to leave so many people behind..
My journey was really different this time.. Guess I ended my freshman year the same way I started it - on a taxi, this time from SMU to the airport. It was smooth sailing from then. Landed in JFK on time and made my way to the house. The next day I took an 8 hour bus ride to Pittsburgh.. one of the W[o]rst experiences of my LIFE !
Everything bad that could have gone wrong, did. I got to the station, and one of the workers told me that I needed my ticket printed. So off I went in the direction he sent me. Stood on a line for quite some time. The worker there was so rude!! 20 minutes later when she finally made herself available to everyone, she tells me that I'm at the wrong place. So i had to walk up more floors and make my way to the other end of the station. Another line. Get to the front and.. guess what? Wrong place again ! So I head over to a third place. Line? DUH ! Meanwhile my time is running out ! Because the bus is going to leave SOON ! Get to the front and then.. sigh* worst news of ALL. . I'm at the wrong station.. and my bus had left 20 minutes before.. =( . Apparently I'd been looking at my return time. So.. Panic? Disappointment? Frustration? Sadness? Yes.. Everything. I just found somewhere and Cried.. I couldn't help it. . I ended up buying another ticket.. which cost 3 times as much as it did from the other company. Goodbye new pair of shoes.. A few minutes after the bus left, I really examined my ticket... I was scheduled to get to Pittsburgh in 13 hours :| . The woman who sold it to me didn't even find it necessary to point that out ! Or the fact that I needed to switch buses at the next stop.! So ridiculous ! Things kept on getting worse, and better, and worse; From catching the earlier bus at the next station, to the vending machine stealing my cash, and the second bus having No wifi =( . But I made it in one piece.. One drained and disappointed piece.
Things got better the following days. Spent it with my brother. He took me around.. and we did some shopping. I enjoyed Pittsburgh more than NY. It's almost like Halifax but with American stores and American prices!! =D ! How HAPPYYY was I ! Until my money ran out lol. =(. Sad. . I stayed there for a week and then headed back on a bus to NY.
I explored Brooklyn on my own the following day; and by Brooklyn I mean a few blocks. Had to lock up the house myself and all =). Yes, that's an achievement! Got myself some food, and did some window shopping. I made my way to Staples! *shivers* . iLove Stationery. Absolutely love it. If I could've bought more I would.
The people of Brooklyn are.. different.. The way the look, the way the dress.. You could just tell that I didn't belong there.. Even though I just had on a vest, jeans and flip flops that day. People kept staring.. discomfort? yes. A lot of it.
Even finding food in that terminal was a hassle. There were more restaurant type food outlets in there than the usual Stop and Go. Spent about 20 minutes walking around trying to find something to eat. Meanwhile I was Starving ! and the weight of my backpack was unbearable. My back felt like it was on fire. When I finally got something and made my way to the RIGHT gate, I just sat there. And for a moment I didn't Move. .
I didn't get a window seat.. I was 'middled'. But luckily the passengers on either side of me were really nice. Slept a lot of the way, and played Angry Birds. The guy to my right introduced me to something called 'Popcorners'. It's pop corn in the shape of chips! And they taste Exactly like popcorn ! I'd love to make the switch ! No more kernels stuck in my teeth -_-''. Such an annoying feeling. So if you guys ever see it in a store somewhere, pick it up! It's worth it.
It was raining like crazy the first two days.. but the sun decided to come out today. I'm happy about that. Spend the day with my friends at the beach. Just like old times. Some were still missing though.. And I can't wait until I get to see them again.. <3. Till then, they'll always be there in Spirit. =)
This Summer won't be all fun and games though. I start work soon. Grr! All a part of growing up I suppose..
To a Neü Summer!