Thursday, April 7, 2011

And When This Week Is Over...

Here ye, Here ye!

The time has come for every SMUdent to Hit the BOoks ! And for Some, increase their intake of caffeine ! As much as I disapprove of that action, I succumbed to it at one point.. or two.. or three =( . I am not proud, no.. Especially after taking this psych course and seeing what effects it has on my mom, AND one of my friends [GIANT Coffee Addict]. So I've found someone who hates it just as much as I do (or did), and they're determined to keep me from giving in to it Again.

So back to the point of this thing. Finals have come again ! And as of the moment I leave the exam room on the 16th of April, I will be saying Goodbye to my Freshman Year ='( . ! *Tears*

I wish I could say that it was Great. ! That it was fulfilling.. but it wasn't. To be honest though, it had it's ups, but I guess nothing can be perfect right? . As always I didn't do nearly as well as I wanted to, and some persons found their way into my life.. persons who at this moment I wish hadn't.. But that can't be helped now.

I am glad though that I got to experience something Neü. A new place, new people, gaining independence, maturity, responsibility, and scoring a JOb!. Putting all the drama aside, I guess my freshman year turned out to be exactly what it was meant to be. A learning experience.

I can't write much right now cuz I'm near exhausted and I'm just about to tackle Chem. at 1:19 in the morning.. And the bed is RIGHT there. I just want to crawl into it. ! .
Studying alone has its drawbacks sometimes.. Hence the reason I should sleep at night and work during the day, instead of sleeping at 3 in the morning and waking at 10 [And might I add feeling guilty about sleeping for so long =( ..sigh* ]


Just wanted to keep you guys up to date with things.

Gnight !



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