and III AMmMmm DONE !!
As of noon today, or whatever time I left the exam room, my first year at university is OVER!
HapPy? Yes
Sad? That too..
=( Freshman year has gone by so quickly it's unbelievable.. I still remember when I first walked through the doors of the Gorsebrook entrance... =( . Now I'll be leaving through those same doors.. All the 'Hi's' have now turned to 'Goodbyes' as all my friends depart and head for home.. Some of whom are never going to come back... But that's life i suppose.. I'll miss all of them.
I've made some amazing friendships, and I see certain individuals remaining in my life.. and being a big part of it too =) . Saying goodbye to them was one of the hardest things... A part of me wants the summer to go bye super quick JUST so i can see them again lol. Crazy? YEAH ! Summer's going to be AmaZing and it better last long !! Lol.
I can finally say goodbye to Calculus ! I'll miss it.. =( Seriously.. it's not as bad as you think. Just need practice.. which I didnt do much of. Bleh. GO Figure. And Ecology. *sigh* No more memorizing a million Phyla and Classes and Orders and SubPhyla and all the LonG and ComPLicated NamEs!
Hali gave me more DOWNS than UPS and i am PISSED at it ! Particularly my HaIR =(. I'll be saying bye to a lot of it soon.. Already said bye to so much of it in Halifax... Involuntarily... The weather up there is ridiculous.. But I've learnt from my mistakes.. and next year will be better..
I have 4 labs a week ahead of me. As well as RA duty and the possibility of being a Student Assistant during Chem Labs. I got my hands Full next year. REALLY full. Let's see how I prioritize.. Let's see if I make it out alive lol.
Got my BIkiniii Readyy !. Won't be worn until the body comes along though. And until I find myself on a beach back home.! Can't Wait !
To Summer !