Sunday, October 30, 2011


Today my tears streamed down my face..
I haven't cried that way in so long..
How can you see me in pain and do nothing about it?
Knowing that I hadn't done you wrong..?

When I ask to leave, I'm just hoping you'd want me to stay..
To let me know everything will be ok..
But all you do, is just let me go...

I always say that I Love You..
I always let you know how i feel
I let the WOrld know how I feel about you..
Why can't you do the same for me?

Why do I always get shut down?
Why do I feel like I'm not good enough?
Why do they get so much of you?
Why do I feel like you want so little of me..

I miss the days when i felt longed for..
The days you'd hold on so tightly..
The days where we were all that mattered in a moment..
The days when you made me feel.. Neü.


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