Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Final Saturdayy


I was supposed to update this thing since Saturday night!! It's already Tuesday =]. Tuesdayyy! kNow what that means? Tash is coming backkk todayy. Going to the airport to meet him. =]. But this isn't what I'm writing about here ..!

SatuRday !!!

The Bikini Bash turned out better than i thought it would be! Only had about 2 glasses of punch n i was tipsy by the time I was half way done with my first ! Lol. I twas ridiculous. At one point I was singing Ke$ha's TiK ToK with a girlfriend of mine. She's a crazy one lol. I took pictures with almost everyone =]. I had second thoughts about taking my camera with  me but I'm glad I did. I got to capture those memories and share them. I'm getting  back into the habit of photographing everything, no matter how irrelevant. I like going through photos and feeling all the emotions that I did when I took them. Sometimes I stumble upon some that I don't even remember taking. So it's a good reminder of things.

The night was filled with laughs and a lot of other things that made me Smile.! I tried hugging as many persons as I could. Learning from last time that I should do that when the opportunity arises. Don't know when I'll get to see them again. But the night ended on a good note.. for Most people.. I really didn't want the night to end!! I got home and I was still Buzzed! Couldn't stop moving, couldn't stop smiling and I felt mischievous like Hell Lol. So even though I only spent 5 hours at the beach, it was worth it. One last outing with my friends? Definitely worth it!

So right about now, I'm packing all my stuff.. Clothes in one suitcase, books and more clothes in another. My scrawny arms wont be able to carry these.. Plus a backpack? Damn.. Good thing they have wheels =]. I'm having so much trouble finding things... LIke my GLASSES which I had on last night. Even though I'm not very fond of those things, I still need them =[ . I get so angry when I lose them, which is at least 3 times a day. sigh* Irresponsible? Not exactly..Just forgetful.. at times.. I never remember where I put them down.. But I'll find them eventually..

So let me go finish pack !


Friday, August 27, 2010

FInal Weekend [Friday]

It's my final weekend in this country my emotions have been 

All Øv£r THe PLª¢e

My Friday started out so wonderful. Had a fun phone conversation =] ! Thank You SKype for making communication so much more affordable and thus so much more possible. Even though were a few unhappy moments, the ending being one of them, i enjoyed it. It was a bittersweet conversation. These are the times when you resent the human body for needing rest...

I woke up 3 hours later and had to rush to town. This city is so full of 'characters'. I'm fearful of them sometimes! To the extent that I'd rather not leave my house lol. I try to avoid most of them by plugging in my headphones and drifting off into my own little world.. I've gotten reattached to this iPod over the past week.. It was just laying on my desk for the longest while until SomeONe but a playlist on there. Now it's on so long that the battery actually died yesterday lol. That's only happened once, and I've owned this thing for almost a year now. But i must say, that list of songs always seems to make me Smile. =]. It makes me think of a lot of things.. and reminisce. I think of Shashi every time I hear one of the songs from Adele. They both have really strong voices. ^_^ I like it when she sings. We tried doing this 'duet' lol. Something always went wrong!! Either we kept messing up a line, or someone kept Barging in and I had to throw the camera on a side or put it under me so they wouldn't know what we were doing LOl. But it was impossible to keep ourselves from laughing so we got the ''what the heck is wrong with them?'' look lol. It was a lot of fun ! We still need to do a retake =].

So after all the running up and down in town today, I went to see Baby ! I haven't seen her in a while. I helped her cook.. and by cooking I mean make green fig salad.. =]. I don't know how it came out because I didn't eat it =p. But my time was limited.. I got to snag some of her clothing though! Yes =] ! One more thing to remember her by. The dumb thing was that I didn't realize that I had my camera in my bag until I had already left her house!! sigh*..I hope I get another chance.. We've been close for 6 years and we barely have any pictures together.. That's a big disappointment.. At least I have a camera now so it'll be easier to get those.. Speaking about photography... I learnt that a certain someone's heading off to their first photoshoot tomorrow..! =D I'm excited Lol. I really want to see those portraits.! So while they're off doing that I'll be at a Bikini Bash ! Wonder how much fun that will be =].. It's probably my last time at the beach until I come home for the holidays so I'm going to soak up as much of it as I possibly can.

Till Tomorrow..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Suprise Ads!


I decided to visit my own website to see how many posts show up on one page.. and then i realize I have an Add on there? from Google? :O !!! There was a bunch of them, and most were about Waxing ! Maybe it's because of my previous post about it? Maybe....

In addition to 'venting', I've been trying to find ways to use this blog for advertising purposes so that I could gather up some extra cash.. I've been getting lost every now and then, but I've gotten a little help along the way... I still need more though.. There are so many sites dedicated to this. You need to do a lot of research finding out which one suits you best, getting tagged with the right advertisers and all that jive..  I signed up for GoogleAds, guess that's where all these ads came out from... but as for the money bit, GErrR. I have to do more reading to set that up properly.. Chrell told me about this site called 'PayPerPost'. I haven't really gotten into that yet but I'm on my way. I need to get a card for both of those! I plan on going to get it tomorrow. I've been planning for quite some time but something always comes up! Let's hope tomorrow goes by smoothly...

As always, I'm keeping my chin up!

It's the best thing to do when you're trying something .*-Neu-*.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More Farewells.. and August's 3rds.

We're already in what... the 3rd week of August? and this is only my 3rd POst! . Well i guess that's linked somehow..and here I thought I'd have loads of free time to put some stuff on here..hm..

So onto business. Quite a bit has happened this month. In some way I got reunited with an old friend. We hadn't spoken in quite some time. Our lives basically moved in completely different directions. But we're a bit more on track now. We still don't speak as much as we used to but we've patched some things up a bit. Since I'm leaving the country soon, it was a pretty good thing to do..

sigh* I'm leaving soon.. but I'll get back to that in a bit...

Lately, I've been having these crazy dreams.. My dreams are always out of the way, and most times make absolutely no sense at all. But for the past few weeks, I've been dreaming that someone or some people are trying to kill me.

Guns, Swords, you name it. There were chases, and even my friends were in some of them. In the most recent one there was a battle between us and some other people [no idea who they were]. I read somewhere that we can't create someone in our dream, and that we only dream of people that we've seen at one point in our lives. I guess that includes television as well, but I can't place any of those persons that have been popping up into my head. Should i see a Shrink to figure this out? I don't like unsolved puzzles.. I need to crack this.. I'm tired of fighting for my life -_-'. Gerr!! But on the bright side, I haven't lost a battle.. Yet...

On to other things.. I've finally bought my ticket. I'll be leaving on the 3rd of September. [that was the 3rd time I've mentioned '3rd'. Maybe I'm stressing too much on this] .. I'm unhappy about two things though:

  1. I won't have my New York shopping spree since I'll be going to Canada straight.. and
  2. My flight's up north, so none of my friends are gonna be there to see me off  ='[ . That's the saddest part of it all..
Goodbye's are terrible.. 10 of my friends left yesterday.. as well as my cousin AND sister. So that's 12 Goodbyes in one day! Unbefreakinglievable.
Lex was one of them. I call him Duckie ^_^. Although I don't think anyone knows that... I've known him for about 7 years now. He's a part of the clique so there's another one of us gone.. That boy is a character. He's brilliant and he has this deafening scream !! Lol. Damn! But he loves to have fun. He knows how to enjoy himself and manage his work, so that's a good thing. So many memories with that kid... He hugged me in the 9th grade, and he let me cry on him. I don't know if I ever thanked you for that Lexi.. So I'll say it now: Thank You =]. I appreciated it. I'm thinking of so many other things that happened that I just can't put on here.. Let's just say thanks again for that ''Trip to the Caf, after that tookie tookie''. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't come along.
My favourite DJ left with him. I think he made me fall in love with parties. He has a way of  knowing what we all want to hear, and making everything blend together. He also DJ'ed for my birthday party, and well, no complaints there =].

JJ was another one of them. That kid is knowledgeable. Like Damn. We definitely know he'll do okay.
Someone else who stood out that day was G. He's been adding bits and pieces to my summer, making it all the more surprising, and spectacular, with a lot of unexpected happenings =] ! Mind you they're nothing bad.. just entertaining. He mad me a playlist that I'm getting addicted to. This boy's got impeccable taste in music and I'm not exaggerating. Although i probably think that way because I favor all what he listens to. I get crazily excited when it comes to music. Music has been a big part of me since I was a kid. I was enrolled in music school since I was about 5. I should be a Maestro by now! But like most kids, I didn't practice nearly as much as I should have.. But I was a decent student... Back to what I was saying... G's intelligent, and he's turning out to be a really good friend. What's unbelievable is that he solved my Rubik's Cube! I would take a picture but mine isn't exactly..presentable..lol. First person I've been met that can unscramble that mess. Merci !
Andddd ma Sisterrrrrrrr. Ginny !! I have this place to myself for two weeks. One less person to harass me about picking my clothes off the floor... ! But yes, I miss you already =[. hmph. I love you. Even though you were annoying most of the time >_>. ! =] Sisterly Love ツ . I cried for you =p! That's all I'm gonna say. hmph! =]
I hope all you guys do well up there. You deserved the opportunity. Congrats =]

School starts for Shashiiii todayyyi. She won't be on during the day anymore. I'll need to replace our conversations with studying.. All for the best I suppose. I really need to buckle down and get some work done. There's so much to do but I keep putting it off! Procrastination has never been my friend, but I keep letting him take over.. I need to kick him out and lock the door. I need to take out that door completely. I'll get there. I know I will.

Another reason for being down this summer? Tic Tac extended his ticket.. I won't even bother say why.. but since my plans changed I'll be able to see him before I leave! I'm so happy about that! =] . It's only for 2 days though..  but it's a lot better than Zero..

This month has been so hectic. So many Ups and Downs.. Opportunities literally flying my way so quickly that I had to go out of my way to try to get them.. I still don't know if they worked out alright. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.. This month just showed me how unexpected life can be. Take what you can while you're able to.

♦ ♡ Second chances DON'T always come your way...♥ ◇
...I'm learning that the hard way

◇ஐ .Neu. ஐ◇ 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August is HEre!

It's already August!!!!!!! That means there's only one more week till my TicTac comes back. yay!

But it also means I'm closer to school ! =[..=].. :S.. BitterSweet... Bittersweet feeling..

I just found out that I have to write a Calculus exam on the first day! I searched through the topics and wow.. I've never done those lol. I'm screwed right? sigh* I got to read, I got to practice, because I don't want to take that test a second time.. Well actually I just don't want to fail the first. I hate failing something ! I'm not used to it and I NEVER want to get used to that.

I got my book list yesterday. I'm trying to get the textbooks so I can read ahead.. Not much luck with that since I don't know the authors..

Here's a list of what I'll be taking this year..


[which I can already tell is going to be a pain in my butt]

I Sense That I MAYYY Become A Hazard :/
Biology  ~~ this is my babbyyy!


I'm looking forward to this. It seems really intriguing

Psychology: Mind and Brain


Japanese ...日本語

Why Japanese? The language interests me... Always had. I was determined to do German for a while because all the Intro to Japanese classes were filled.. But a few weeks later there was an opening and I decided to sign up there instead. I'm starting to think about whether doing a language on the whole is a good idea... With Japanese, every letter, every syllable is represented by a unique symbol. At least with German you have the Roman letters.. One form of Japanese writing uses it too but I doubt that's what they'll be teaching us..  I got my hands on the text book so at least I have a start...
It was either THIS or Sociology and I'm Sorry but I won't go down that path for anyone lol. I might end up failing just as bad anyway :/ . But let me keep my chin up. I'll work hard at this! I really wish I had started this sooner. UGH! Damn me and my procrastination! sigh*.  People ALWAYS suggest a study time table but that wouldn't work for me cuz i Know I won't follow it. Damn this thing... 

I'm trying my best to read more.. and Stay off those social networks.. 
I've got facebook down. I deactivated...

but then someone got me hoOked again -_-'

I'm only there for One application now tho but that's still BAD. It's hard to quit.. at least I'm on there Less now.. 

But twitter has become my new addiction Lol.. It's just fun on there.. and those tweetheads and I have a history lol. A very interesting history.. =] . But with time, it'll die out. Especially during school. On vacation, fine, I'll be on those a lot but when school starts, it'll be almost non-existant. 

So that's it for the beginning of august. Still waiting on those documents from Trinidad. It's been weeks now and have heard nothing. And those telephones of theirs should very well be unplugged because they NEVEr answer !! HMM! More frustration! sigh*. Well I guess it's my fault again.. for waiting so late.. If only we could turn back the clock huh?  oh well. . Guess it just means I have more to look forward to .!


Monday, August 2, 2010

First Farewell of the Year

I said Goodbye to one of my closest girlfriends yesterday. I've known her since preschool, so that's about 17 YEARS now! She went off to England for work and school  ✈.. we all migrate at one point or another. That chapter of her life here hasn't ended though! Just been put on hold .. Until she decides to extend on it in the future ! =] . I look forward to that.!

Preschool days were Fun. I can't even remember how we met. All I know is that she and I were best friends, up until the last day: Graduation. Afterward we got separated since we went to different schools. I never saw or heard from her. It was kinda sad but I always thought about her. My parents didn't know where she lived so there wasn't really any chance of finding her. At the end of 6th grade I signed up for a Summer Junior Sports Program and here was this girl who reminded me SO much of her! I was a bit shy and so it took me quite a while before I said anything to her. We were walking from the field back to the school and i decided to just come out and say SomeThing!.

Neu: Rose?
Rose: Yeah.? ..Neu?
Neu: Yeah!
Rose: This was my best friend in preschool!

Lol. It's a bit corny, I know Lol. but that was one my most memorable moments. I remember pretty much everything, from our blue sports t-shirts, to our little shorts. I had a smile on my face the entire day. It was a happy reunion.

Even though we finally got back in touch with each other we didn't really speak much until the 10th grade since we ended up in the same homeroom. We formed this clique with about 5 guys and 3 other girls. So there were 10 of us in all, and we were practically inseparable. We did so much together and you could always count on having a good time with these guys. They say a lot of rubbish that's guaranteed to make you laugh your butt off! It's been 4 years and the clique's still there. It's even expanded over the last 2 years, in college, all for the better =] . I love the new additions and we've formed such a great bond in such a short amount of time. I've also gotten a lot closer to some of them too. All those experiences with them have helped me grow and mature a bit more, and has made me much more humorous =D. I remember so many of those bus rides home from school. We'd always stop at the bakery and spend forever in there.. Stop at our spot half way to home, on the hill overlooking the ocean and eat our Sweet Bread and Orange Juice.. Then get home all the way at 7! Those rides were almost always lively and hilarious =]. Even though we'd sometimes wait for HOURS for that damn driver of ours to come get us >_> .. We had fun messing with him too =p. There were some bad times as well... but we've gotten past those and they could Never override the good ones.

I'm getting ready to say goodbye to them.. It's hard but we all have to do it. Thank goodness for Facebook, MSN and Skype !

So this one's for you, Rose. You're the only person who could really DRAG me to Town for any insignificant reason! And get me to accompany you to the beach for your 'tan'. I still haven't seen a difference! And that English Climate will turn you snowy white anyway ! =] haha. ^_^ =p .. I'll miss your Ribena Highs.. all your swearing ! and your constant cravings for chocolate! -_-.. I still don't understand how you can eat that stuff on an empty stomach! But I loved seeing you hyper, because that's when you were your happiest =p . You'll be in chocolate heaven now ! Watch your Face =p. Get Rockband so we can play online ! and so many other things that I should be saying but I can't remember them. =/ .

Just know that I Love You Kid =] . I Do. and I always Will  *Wink* <-- but Not the creepy Kind ! Lol.. I'm thinking of graduation and all the shit we went through together and it's so damn hard to keep myself from crying. I'm going to miss you so much. I already do. We'll keep in touch. Can't wait to see you again. I hope you went up with your signed Shirt ! =] I'll always keep you in my heart and you'll always be my little CheyRosePuss =p . Red Devil .

Love Always,

Oh and I MIss your Hair ! Let it Grow You scissors-crazy freak ! =] La La. Bye !! Lol