Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Suprise Ads!


I decided to visit my own website to see how many posts show up on one page.. and then i realize I have an Add on there? from Google? :O !!! There was a bunch of them, and most were about Waxing ! Maybe it's because of my previous post about it? Maybe....

In addition to 'venting', I've been trying to find ways to use this blog for advertising purposes so that I could gather up some extra cash.. I've been getting lost every now and then, but I've gotten a little help along the way... I still need more though.. There are so many sites dedicated to this. You need to do a lot of research finding out which one suits you best, getting tagged with the right advertisers and all that jive..  I signed up for GoogleAds, guess that's where all these ads came out from... but as for the money bit, GErrR. I have to do more reading to set that up properly.. Chrell told me about this site called 'PayPerPost'. I haven't really gotten into that yet but I'm on my way. I need to get a card for both of those! I plan on going to get it tomorrow. I've been planning for quite some time but something always comes up! Let's hope tomorrow goes by smoothly...

As always, I'm keeping my chin up!

It's the best thing to do when you're trying something .*-Neu-*.


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