I was supposed to update this thing since Saturday night!! It's already Tuesday =]. Tuesdayyy! kNow what that means? Tash is coming backkk todayy. Going to the airport to meet him. =]. But this isn't what I'm writing about here ..!
SatuRday !!!
The Bikini Bash turned out better than i thought it would be! Only had about 2 glasses of punch n i was tipsy by the time I was half way done with my first ! Lol. I twas ridiculous. At one point I was singing Ke$ha's TiK ToK with a girlfriend of mine. She's a crazy one lol. I took pictures with almost everyone =]. I had second thoughts about taking my camera with me but I'm glad I did. I got to capture those memories and share them. I'm getting back into the habit of photographing everything, no matter how irrelevant. I like going through photos and feeling all the emotions that I did when I took them. Sometimes I stumble upon some that I don't even remember taking. So it's a good reminder of things.
The night was filled with laughs and a lot of other things that made me Smile.! I tried hugging as many persons as I could. Learning from last time that I should do that when the opportunity arises. Don't know when I'll get to see them again. But the night ended on a good note.. for Most people.. I really didn't want the night to end!! I got home and I was still Buzzed! Couldn't stop moving, couldn't stop smiling and I felt mischievous like Hell Lol. So even though I only spent 5 hours at the beach, it was worth it. One last outing with my friends? Definitely worth it!
So right about now, I'm packing all my stuff.. Clothes in one suitcase, books and more clothes in another. My scrawny arms wont be able to carry these.. Plus a backpack? Damn.. Good thing they have wheels =]. I'm having so much trouble finding things... LIke my GLASSES which I had on last night. Even though I'm not very fond of those things, I still need them =[ . I get so angry when I lose them, which is at least 3 times a day. sigh* Irresponsible? Not exactly..Just forgetful.. at times.. I never remember where I put them down.. But I'll find them eventually..
So let me go finish pack !