Frosh week is HERE! and guess what? I was 30 minutes late LOL. With good reason! K-Mart had a Labour Day Sale ! :| Things were CHEAP!!! I HAD to take advantage of that!! NEEDED TO. My room was empty before my roommate moved in yesterday, but now, my side just looks sad and pathetic next to hers LOL. I barely have anything in that closet. I still need to go winter shopping. I'm started to freeze here. In desperate need of a comforter. I don't know how long the stuff I ordered will take.. till then *shiver* sigh.*
But yes! Frosh week ! When I got there they had a whole ton of 'naughty' cheers that made you say 'what the :|' lol. The afterwards they gave us all numbers and put us into teams. We got to know each other a little frist then we began to compete. Our first one was against team 20. We ended up facing these guys a lot and they won 2 out of 3 games. BLeh. But that's alright. Each person on the team had to eat 4 slices of lemon. yes.. LEMON! It wasn't too sour but my mouth was stinging afterwards. We lost that challenge by the way.. Then they had us play twister on a Giant mat. Some people realized how flexible they were lol. But ofcourse, we lost again >=[. There was a bunch of stuff after that but I can't remember what they're called. In the last event though, My partner and I were one of the last ones standing! yay ! =D. We had to stop because the buzzer sounded. Then they rounded up all the frosh kids and we did one last activity together and they dismissed us. There's going to be a barbeque in about 30 minutes, I can't wait for that one. I didn't take my camera with me so I have no pictures. Maybe they'll put them up on the website.
For the while, my blog won't have any pictures since I haven't got my laptop yet. But I've already ordered it so hopefully in a week it'll be here and I won't have to come all the way down to the DEN to get onto the internet.
With all the good, something bad HAD to happen.
I looked up at the sky and it looked.. different.. from how it looks back home. Maybe it's just me.. or maybe I'm just home sick.. Miss my little island and the people on there.. so I got a little sad.. and what's even worse? I lost my Phone !!!! I realized it when I was on my way to residence. I started to Panic !! NO!!! ='[ I wanted to cry! I went back onto the field and searched but it wasn't there. I even went to the tower to see if someone dropped it off.. but nothing.. =[. sigh* Just when I was about to give up I asked the President of the Football team about it and he pointed me to the Frosh Leaders.. Went to ask and BEhOld ^_^. They found it ! *Relief* But the person who had it left the field, so I have to get it from the residence desk later.
sigh* I'm so forgetful.. not irresponsible! Forgetful.! =[. I'll have to be more focused..
So we have a happy ending ! I bought my band today, so i'm able to attend all the events. Wish I could've gotten the backpack though.. Maybe next year. For now, I'm ok with just attended the shows..
Now I'm off to my barbeque!
*Hungry Neu*