Hey !!
It's been Ages since I've written anything on here! I know that! Time just flies by so quickly. So I'll fill you in on all that's happening right now..
Unfortunately I don't have anything heartfelt to write about right now, so I'm just letting you guys know how things are going with me.
Midterms are done. All of them ! My results were good =] . but not as good as I wanted them to be so I am a bit disappointed... but that's alright I guess.
But right now I'm behind on studies !! And I've had some First .
- First time i drank Coffee!
I was so hyper i felt like I was Tipsy ! Honestly ! It was crazy. I was walking around the cafeteria and things were flying past me. I couldn't sit still at all :| . I won't be drinking that stuff anymore! But I will admit that it kept me awake. Biology is so draining. All we do is listen to the prof, and it's all stuff I know already. Hopefully this will change when I'm learning something new because I don't want my most loved subject to turn into my most hated. =[
-First time I Skipped a class
-First time I walked out of a class early
It's not as mad as skipping a class, but I left Bio when we still had 20 minutes left. Couldn't keep my eyes open.. End of Story
-First time I missed a Quiz
Everything Thursday, we have a quiz at the beginning of class.. After I left Bio early, I took a nap. Someone work me up 10 minutes before class and well.. I wasted time I got there 10 minutes after class had begun, and for the first time the prof didn't let a late-comer write the quiz and collect it after about 5 minutes. :| She just told us NO. And I'm a good student! =[ PUnishment? Karma? hm... Early to bed, early to rise.. My psych paper is supposed to highlight the importance of sleep. I have a ton of articles to read and I've barely touched one. [Behind on work ! ] .. So eventually I'll know the real importance of sleep.. But I need to ... work =[.
-First time I had Indian Food
It was Indian Night at the caf.. So yyp Indian Cuisine. I need to describe the food here in detail in another blog ! ''Life at SMU'' . oooooooooooo.. But some of it was Ok =] I enjoyed it. But it's fattyyyy. I want food from back home .. miss it so much..