I used to be with someone whom i could be completely stupid with no matter where we were but now I'm with someone who apparently thinks there's a time and place for everything. I can't express myself. I can't be playful. I can't be me! I hate it honestly! Ugh !!! We don't even like the same music. Of all things, it had to be MuSiC. One of the things that I LOVE most of all in this life. We can't even lay there and listen to our favourite songs because what we enjoy are such opposites. The songs that make me feel mellow and content and make my heart melt are the ones he finds irritating. I have no idea HOW! He's the type to listen to R&B, and I like that.. But his old school is nothing like mine at all ! It's so sad... We don't even like to dance to the same music.. Strictly speaking he doesn't like the way I dance. So he suggested we just don't dance with each other.. Wow!
Is there really a point in being a couple if the two of you NEED to TRY to make each other happy? Should you leave when you fight everyday? When you get each other angry all the time over the smallest things? You can't see eye to eye and nothing you do ever seems good enough?
There are times when I invite him to places and he never gives a definite answer. Those times when he shows up there, he spots me but doesn't even come over to say hi. .. And I don't see him until quite a while after he's seen me! He just stays near his friends and I keep feeling like he doesn't want to be around me...
Even compliments are hard to come by.. There are times when I really do try to look special; and anyone who knows me knows I'm a bit of a mess. My hair's always a mess, I always wear jeans, t-shirts, sneakers and shorts. No skirts, tank tops, strapless, NOthing of the sort.. And on those FEW occasions when I'm in a dress and Heels, I don't get anything :/ =[ ... . . I get complimented by everyone else but his matters most to me.. I feel like I'm incapable of having him in awe.. It's so depressing...