Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm HEre!!!!

It's been LONG!! I know! I don't even want to know HOW long.. so I refuse to check the date of my last post. I'll just mention all the things I think I haven't told you guys yet.. All that I can remember anyway.

Exams are OVER.! And some grades are out already.. This semester really should have been my easiest... I'd think it should be. Things only get harder from here... They always do.. but still it took me ages to Hit the BOoks like a good university student... so there were a lot of late nights, even on the eve of the exam.. and some topics had to be rushed, and some concepts left unlearnt. Believe me, I am disappointed. My grades were good, but they weren't that I mean all "A+'s". and I WANTED great. Even if I did score some A's, the fact that the little 'plus' sign isn't at the end of it makes me feel like I underachieved..

So I have a lot of adjusting to do next semester.. I couldn't concentrate as much as I wanted to when I needed to study.. Sometimes my room just wouldn't be quiet... Why not migrate to the dead silent library?.. I did, several times.. and only got things done on few occasions.. There's just nothing like the comfort of you own room i suppose.. even if it's just a dorm room.. but nonetheless this GPA of mine MUST get higher! So on this vacation of mine, I'll be studying. Don't get me wrong, I plan on having fun. A LOT of fun.. but I'll get my work done while on this little island of mine =p ! *Hint Hint* !

I gave QUITE a few people a scare when they saw me =D and I'm absolutely glad that happened. I got to make their Christmas THAT more special . No regrets there. And I'm  not done scaring yet . The surprise was ruined for some people though.. Still, they were glad to see me =] Likewise!
 I Love my Family, and my Friends  
  I Love my Home 
I'm glad I'm having both this Christmas
Our tree isn't up yet! So I had to put this one instead =p

I'm gonna have a Neü Christmas!


Anonymous said...

That's your surprise you loser.

I thought you were in Can for the holidays! Lol.

Hopefully we'll see =] When are you going back?

Hope you enjoy it!!!

Neupri said...

It was a lOvely surprise lol

I'm not saying Here :P

But whenever i'm up north I'll call you !!! =]

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