I've neglected this thing for quite some time.. . I had planned on going into detail on how my flight back was. I'll just sum it up and say that it was long and frustrating. From ridiculous passengers on the plane who were the most inconsiderate beings I had come into contact with on an airplane. Not the mention the custom worker with an ATTITUDE ! Ugh !. They had me go on a line for a random security luggage check and i MISSED my connecting flight to NY. Which led to me getting to NY more than 3 hours later than I should've been. There went my shopping plans ! *unhappy* . But it wasn't all that bad.. The guy who checked my luggage made me Laugh! =] So that turned things around.
AANNNNNDDDDDD I got to travel first class from home to MIA ! Cross THAT off my BucketLIst. ;)
My Roomie surprised me at the airport and she took me home. The next morning I woke up to a WInter WOnderland ! We almost couldn't get back to school. But it was nice to see everyone when we finally did.
So now school is back to normal.. Though I'm not. Time flies by and I find myself getting distracted.. and feeling unmotivated. The only thing I really want to do is Sleep. But when I actually get off my bed and head over to my desk, work gets DoNe and I LOVE that feeling. But I love sleeping too lol.. apparently..
It's absolutely ridiculous. Even calculus is already being a PaIn. I need to have my nose in a book for at least 10 hours every day. and it IS Possible. I'll make it happen. My GPA is already below my standards. I need to shoot it up again.
So let's go !