Saturday, January 1, 2011

Into the New YEar ---> 2o11

Happy New Year Everyone!

I really hope that there aren't any frowns !

All mine have been turned upside down and I'm Thrilled! Things are fixed and a whole lot better than they were before. Somehow we're able to speak to each other about absolute nonsense and what's more delightful is that he and my friends get along quite well. Things are looking up. =].

The new year means a new semester. I get to see my friends at school again, but I leave those here and my family behind.. I'm going to miss everyone so much.. But for now I'm enjoying their company. I'm enjoying the beach and the warmth, the sunshine and even the rain [it's not ice cold down here. Just wet :p]

I can't really recap on the year because so much has gone by. I know for sure that it was stressful, and exciting, and I probably went through every emotion known to man.. and I don't think I was the only one.

Life is Crazy!

I'm wishing everyone the best! Not just for the new year but for LIFE.

Take care!

Hope all the Neü things life brings you make you all Smile! ;)


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