Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dont Fall for the Users.

Back home, we all know that there are people who'd feed on you until they got everything they wanted and then just move on to someone else. You know, those people find all the means of getting in touch with you when they need something but at any other time they're nowhere to be seen?? And in the slight chance that you get into contact with them they're always ''busy''. And sometimes, there are no limits to the things that they want from you. It could be anything from school work to money to even sex. The last one is such a HuGe factor in this place. The number of stories I've heard about this person sleeping with that one, then ignoring them afterwards, or shutting them down when they actually ask for a relationship. The only thing a lot of them seem to want to do is drink, party, get laid, and do it all again with someone new. Sickening.

I was always cautious when it came to the people I trusted, but after being here for 5 months, and hearing so many stories about what people have done, and noticing some things for myself, you really start to see how two-faced a lot of people are. You can't really do anything but look out for yourself and keep your guard up... and try not to slip because there probably won't be anyone there to catch your fall.. It's sad but it's true.

I can't make a good transition into my next point at all.. ugh* I'm too sick to concentrate... I apologize. But I'm still trying to say all I need to.

Too many people get taken advantage of.. and when it comes to matters of the heart, then it really gets to me.. That's the worst thing that anyone could play with. Too many girls get lied to and lured into doing things. They're fed so many empty promises, get their hopes high, only to come crashing down a few days later because they've found out that they mean absolutely nothing to guy... that she was one of many.. or that she wasn't his ''main''... or that he just, plain and simple, wanted to get laid. But the ridiculous thing is that somehow, they give them more chances, and the guy's feelings and actions doesn't change at all. And the cycle continues over and over, and she spirals into more of a wreck every single time.

You need to realize when you're being hopeful, and when you're just being plain stupid. Don't jeopardize your sanity for anyone. Don't put your life on hold and give your heart to someone who doesn't want it, keeps tossing it around like it's nothing, and feeds you bullshit so you could feel better for a while but JUST so he could use you again..

No one wants to be caught up in anything devastating... Life is already hard as it is... Don't make it worse by making your world revolve around people who aren't worth the time of day..



Kiki said...

Very Nice!!!

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