Sunday, March 20, 2011

DraaaaaaaaMa ! Take Me Please? =)

So anyone who knows me really well knows that one of the professions I most long for is Acting. It's not just a job, it's a work of Art.! And I don't just mean acting on the big screen.. As fun as those are, it's nothing compared to getting up on stage and performing in front of a live crowd!. Everything in that situation is so intense! The pressure, the audience, the NERVES! EveryThing !!

But in the end it's so rewarding!. You get to hear them Laugh, you get to hear them 'Aw', and do I hear a standing ovation? ^_^ .

Why am I so hyped up about this topic right now?? I just saw a play ! And dare I say it was Amaziiinggg. ! Ok, maybe not amazing because the lead actress didn't really appeal to me, although I must admit she deserved the part. Her skills were brilliant, but her eyebrows threw off her facial expression throughout the entire thing.. The sad part is though that I left before it was over. It really was too intense for me. They were acting out Pride and Prejudice. And me being the child who never read any novels knew nothing about it till.. well.. they drew the curtains and began to act. lol. I'm already in love with it though! Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth... the tension between the two of them is so overwhelming.. That's why I had to leave.. I couldn't bare to stay.. I just wanted them to lock lips! You could feel the passion in all their heated arguments. sigh* True love story lol. To me, those are the ones where you can't stand each other and then realize the other person's personality... no matter how long that may take.. You get to see the person for who they really are as the bad turns out to not really be so bad after all, but a simple cover up to protect themselves from the harsh world that we all have to live in... and now I'm ranting lol.

So anyway I left !

I made my way to Ru's and she's apparently in love with the book, and the movie. The actor playing Darcy is apparently quite sexy ! So there's another reason to add ''Seeing Pride and Prejudice'' to my bucket list =) . So I was Extra Squeally after that show. =)

It just added to my day.. Which had QuiTe a few surprises earlier itself !. Got a Call from someone back home ! Lol. Even though it just lasted 10seconds lol. It made me Smile. And the follow up? I would say it was a 45 minute call from my little Shashi who has been Missing in Action for a while ! Apparently she pulled a Neü ! Hmph.! I disapprove ! But at least she got into contact with me so I knew she was ok =). She may proceed until she sees fit! I'm glad that I know she's watching =). She'll be in mind more now ;)

My day's going by extremely quickly.. as did the entire weekend..

So I'm off to get more Psych done. Final this week ! There's so much to be done and so many people to see ! Ohhh the pressure.. !!

Bring it On! heh heh !

That's all the Neü baby.


ShinRose said...

You're slacking man...Pride & Prejudice is a great read!!

Neupri said...

i don't read novels that's why

Tresha said...

A shame Jacq, especially, when I have 2 copies of that book!
You can have one. Twilight and Harry Potter are not the only novels that make sense! (in fact they suck compared to the classics )

Neupri said...

:O i want one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twilihght is the only one from the series i've read =P

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