My days have changed now. I'm now fit in Workouts. It's only been a little over a week though, but I'm seeing progress.. Slow Slow progress but it'll speed up. I'm trying to make my work outs more intense, and changing my diet; less sugar [No Sodas (y) which IS unfortunate because I've developed this LOVE for Coca Cola ! Half Frozen. It goes well with EVERYTHING! NO Exaggeration! I think bf got me hooked on it. It's like his baby :/ ] more fruits, veges, and MOre water [It used to be really difficult for me to down an entire glass :S I have no idea why. But I can drink two back-to-back now], no fast food and all that Jive you know? So I stumbled upon a routine so I thought I might as well share it.
1) Cardio-Vascular Exercise
Losing love handles (stored fat) and increasing the metabolism so you can lose weight more effectively are all tied into a consistent cardiovascular / resistance training program. The stored fat around your mid-section (for men) is typically the last to leave your body even after months or years of an exercise plan. It is difficult to lose those last few pounds. For women, the last few pounds of fat is typically stored in the hips / buttocks / thigh region.
Whether you are a man or woman, you should do 20-45 minutes of activities like walking, running, biking, or swimming daily 4-5 times per week, but also mix in 2-3 times a week of basic calisthenics like pushups, bench dips, squats and lunges. It takes a few weeks before you start to see the physical benefits or your diet and exercise program. You will see almost immediate results in your energy level, overall mental alertness when exercising daily. The sample routine below will help you better organize exercise into your week:
Monday & Thursday
- Upperbody Program
- Warmup 5:00 / stretch
Repeat 5-10 times
- Pushups - 10-20
- Regular Crunches - 20
- Bench dips - 10-20
- Reverse Crunches - 20
- Stretch abs/lowerback
Cardio option 20-30:00
Run, bike, walk, swim etc
Tuesday & Friday
- Legs and Love Handles
Repeat 4-5 times
- Walk, bike or jog 5:00
- Stretch legs
- Squats - 20
- Lunges 10 / leg
- Left crunches - 25
- Right crunches - 25
- Hip rollers - 10/side
- Stretch abs / lowerback
Cooldown walk or bike
5:00 / stretch
LONG Cardio Day
- 45-60 minutes of walking, running or combination of the two
- Or biking, swimming, elliptical gliding machines
Advanced Crunch - (Legs up)
Lie on your back with your feet straight in the air. Keep your legs straight up in the air for the advanced crunches. Cross your hands over your chest and bring your elbows to your knees by flexing your stomach.
Reverse Crunch
In the same position as the regular crunch, lift your knees and butt toward your elbows. Leave your head and upper body flat on the ground.
Right Elbow to Left Knee
Cross your left leg over your right leg. Flex your stomach and twist to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
Left Elbow to Right Knee
Same as above just switch sides. Cross your right leg over your leg. Flex your stomach and twist to bring your left elbow to your right knee.
Hip Rollers
This exercise will help you build your abs, back and hips to help with long ocean swims and balance out the hip flexors exercises. Twist to both sides keeping your shoulders on the floor and stay in the bent knee position when rotating left and right.
*Note - Anytime you work yours abs, you should also exercise your lower back to build balance in your torso
And he's a pretty simple diet plan
Healthy Diet
The most important factor in acquiring washboard abs is eating a healthy diet. Here is a list of recommended healthy ways to help you lose a few inches:
- Drink at least three liters of water per day (100 oz)
- Eat five servings of vegetables and fruits per day
- LIMIT fried foods and cheese
- LIMIT processed sugar (for example: sodas, cookies, candy)
- Eliminate fatty red meat - only lean red meats (1-2 times weekly)
It's simple enough to follow. So if I follow through with this the summer should look pretty BriGht !
=] Summer Bod Here I Come ! Lol. or at least anything between THAT and what I have now =]. Maybe I Could snag that bathing suit in the process ! hehe