Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It's been raining a lot lately. It's creating a bit of a depressing atmosphere.. To add to that, I've been really emotional lately :/ . Not sure why.. Just today I was watching re-runs of Desperate Housewives and I teared in almost every scene..

Went to a gathering for my friend's birthday last night. It was pretty fun ! Got really excited when I got to see all my friends ! It's summer and I barely get to see them ! It's really nerve wrecking because I'm heading off to school soon but hopefully things will change... but I'm straying here.. Even though I WAS all excited to see them, I went from =D to =[ in a few seconds, and I have no idea why... I had nothing terrible on my mind then.. But I guess it's my subconscious.. I have so many things bothering me right now that I really Can'T deal with... Most of which has to do with Him.. Things seem so different now.. I think we're growing apart.. I've asked him about it but he said that's not what it is.. Maybe it's just in my head? or maybe HE's in denial.. In addition to the growing emotional separation, soon enough we'll be separated physically as well.. since I'm moving away from school... I'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can but something always comes up... either he's busy or this or that and This WEAtHEr ! Ugh ! Diminishes my chances of any visits !

and Beach Time !!!!!!  Truth is I LOVE going to the beach when it rains but my parents won't let me :/ Go Figure . Oh well, guess I'll try to make the most of the time that i DO have home. Studying never hurt anyone either so I'll be doing that =]

See! right there, i went from =[ to =] ! . Maybe my mood is altered by what I watch. There was a pretty happy scene on Desperate AND I'm talking to my Brother online. <3 Miss Him ! I'll see him soon enough !

So what's Next? Hopefully it'll have something to do with lots of Smiles ! =D


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