Friday, July 23, 2010

The BIrffdayy

We all hate that point in the relationship when everything isn't all Rainbows and Butterflies })i({... [[and these are two of my favorite things!]] .. But as unpleasant as this phase is, it helps to determine whether or not the relationship is really worth it. The amount of effort you put into your relationship at this point shows just how much you want things to work out, how much you want to be with your partner, and how much they mean to you.. and that's what's happening right now.

We've gotten to a point where we argue about stupid little things, and I DO tend to get pretty loud when that happens.. although I must admit I really hate it when that happens.. I'll need to stop it. He's so closed up when it comes to a lot of things. He doesn't smile as much as he used to so I know he's suppressing something. I encourage him to talk it out but he had barely done so until a few nights ago. Some of the things he had to say hurt a bit but I'm glad he finally came out with it.

So in an attmept to make him smile, we decided to spend his Birthday togetherrr. The Big TWO OH. 20 =].

The ride back home was even better than the ride Up. More laughs. More GAGA Lol. I love that woman. She's extreme. and she's labelled us all her little 'Monsters' so we feel like a part of something.. a Cult maybe?. Maybe not but you get the point. I like the contacts that she has in Bad Romance. My eyes are already pretty Big so I really want to know what iit'll be like. Probably scary Lol but I'll try it anyway.

The night ending on a bit of a sour note though. Sigh* Hate parents don't we? well in my case it's just a certain Male parent -_-'. But anyway, I just brushed him off because he's absolutely ridiculous. So I strolled into my room at about 1:45am and off to dreamland I went..

All in all it was a good day. =] . A really good one. I might not get much of these for a while.. so I'm taking advantage of what I have now. Going out on a limb, discovering new things..

Because life really isn't worth living if you never try anything Neu...


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