Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vivere Senza Rimpianti

Vivere Senza Rimpianti - Live Without Regrets

I came across that phrase as a tattoo on Hayden Panettiere's side. Ever since then it's Stuck with me. It's pointless going through life feeling sorry for past experiences; all the chances you missed, all the things you did that you can never take back... If you don't want to miss chances, then TAKE THEM. So what if you make a fool out of yourself, or if it turns out completely upside-down. At least you had the guts to try it. As for being sorrowful because of something you had done before, I say ''The Past Is The Past. You can't change it, but you can alter the future.'' So go ahead and try your best to make things the way you want them to be. Make life the way you want to live it.

.~Live The Life You Love And Love The Life You Live~.

Plain and Simple!..

                    Just Keep it Neu.. ˘˛˘



Shanini - ShanZz'ii ♥ said...

I love your blog!!! It's just so interesting! Not many posts but the few are so edifying!

Neupri said...

Lol. Thanks.. I don't get much time to devote to it so it's a bit SHort on Posts, but i try my best to make them worth reading =]

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