Monday, October 25, 2010

Catch Me, I'm Falling...

Things seem to be going downhill again... It's nothing extreme at the moment, but nonetheless it's not something I enjoy.. I'm having those moments when I just want to break down and cry for no apparent reason... Or maybe I just haven't come to terms with everything. Things are getting to me but I'm trying to pay little to no attention to them so I can try to keep my chin up. I guess they're sneaking out every now and then.. One minute I'd be laughing with my friends, and the next my smile would just disappear and I find myself staring at my lap. Maybe it's the stresses of work.. It hasn't gotten too heavy put I have exams coming soon.. Three next week.. It really isn't anything to cry about. Not right now.. I have enough time to work everything out.. So why do I feel this way? This mood is making me feel so uncomfortable that I don't have the motivation to do anything. The hours fly by so quickly. I'd set so many goals in the morning and accomplish almost nothing by the time I crawl into bed.. And I know if I continue like this my head will explode when things ReaLLy hit rock Bottom. 

I'm still aiming to get all A's. I know I can do that for Spanish. Biology should be easy but right now we're on that topic that I never really grasped in A Level.. So I really do need to read it.. Psychology is pretty much the same story. New stuff so I really need to read and understand what I'm doing. I think I'll be making use of my study guide. There's also this sleep journal that I need to complete. I've been at the same point for a whole month now. Procrastination at it's best huh? hm.. Chemistry's actually going well. The only real issue is Calculus. A LOT of practice is necessary. And with only 9 days to perfect everything that I've learnt in a month and a half?.. It's possible.. 

I just need something to pick me up of this God forsaken mood. ! sigh* I don't want to go down. I need to do good. I NEED to. I don't think I can emphasize just how much I want to succeed at this. I'll get out of this state. I MUst. Somehow... I'll do it.

Neu ✧ ..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bday Continued !

A put that birthday post up too early ! Apparently the night of the 19th had More SurPrises !

I had planned to stay in and study for Chemistry, but at the last minute I decided to go with Jazy to Sobey's. I really wanted sliced bread.. I was out of money though. No access to the ATM. NO Scotiabank ones on campus. sigh* How inconvenient !..So she said she'd get it for me. haha =]. Bday PResent!. When we got down, S.V was like, ''why'd you bring her? :|'' her being Me. :P He was gonna get me something ^_^ . But oh well. We went along our merry way out of the warmth of Loyola Res. and into the chill. I was still HYped ! So i felt quite warm. Danced along the way to the supermarket. I had a list of Birthday tunes: My Head by Jason Derulo, Whip My Hair by Willow Smith [she's this lil kid everyone's crazy about at the moment.. with good reason. Has a decent style and the song's nice and catchy].., WAKA WAKA by Shakira of course !! <-- that one right there's special.. and Dynamite. S.V said he'd get me whatever I wanted :O ! Birthday Treat !! XD YAy!!! Excited? YES ! But i kept things low lol. Didn't want to send him OverBoard. He brought up the idea of having a get-together with everyone since I hadn't planned on doing anything for the night.. So yes, we got a cake, snacks and some drinks [Tookie Tookie !!] 

Shopping took ForeVEr !! I didn't even notice the time fly by so quickly. We had to rush back to the school to try to get some dinner. I had no jacket and my arms were semi frozen by the time I got back to school. Rushed to the dining hall and they were closed ! ugh ! Had to turn right back around. S.V brought some of the stuff back to my room with me. I opened the door and saw this GiaNt Cake :| !! Roomie !!!! I did NOT Expect that! Lol. I literally screamed.! I was so close to crying too ='[ !! She even had gifts too.  Hugs HUgs HuGS ! That SNeaky little girl !.hmph.

I had bought a ton of candles at Sobey's lol. SO they came in handy !. They sang me Happy Birthday. I made a wish and Blew out my candles. *I Hope it comes true*. 

S.V contacted everyone and things were on in the Lounge 2 hours later. I was hyper again !!! Couldn't stop movin ! I wish I took more pictures though !. We had a Caribbean shot XD haha. [I woke up N.M so he cud Join] and I had the SMU glass. WEeeeeee Tookie TOokie is my Friend =] . The girls got together and ran around the place lol. thAT was fun. I shouldn't say what we were doing though lol. Nothing bad, nothing inappropriate. But we ended up outside, lit some starlights and ran with them. oh DAMN we were loud lol. But it was fun !. The entire night was fun =].

Things settled down by 12.. and we went off to bed. Had an 8:30 class.

But I must say I really LOVED my 19th Birthday =]. All this really wouldn't have happened without all those guys. Especially S.V =p. Yp yp! My planner. Those guys really made me feel welcomed.. I'm starting to feel more at home here at SMU . Guess all I needed was time.

Here's to a happier Neu. ;)
Hope everyone out there's happier too. We all deserve it.

As to everyone who was a part of my birthday 

Thank You !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

!¡! L¡ßra ♎ !¡! a Neu Day !!!

=D It's a NEU day ! Literally =D

Finally turned 19 !! And I must say I'm having a rather Lovely time ! Not necessarily because of the age, but I'm just happy with so many things !! Especially having all those people who love me in my Life.

I spent the eve of my ßirthday in my room listening to music and tweeeeeeting and I developed at little High on that lol. It was WONDERFUL !. I got to be in on a little SurPrise for ONe of my Friends ! I think that's how it all started LOl . She was so Psyched ! Yes ! Mission Accomplished! Glad I made her SMile ^_^ ! So she's going to be QUITE happy for the rest of the year for SUre. !

I got a lot of BIrthday WIshes ^_^ and I'm thrilled because they're all from people I do consider Friends and More, and not just from those ppl that you just have on ur friends list bcuz you just know them... SO every ONe of them Made me SMile. And those who sent the Multiple ones to satisfy differnt time zones made me LAugh! Especially the PHone Calls Lol. SOmeone decided to wake me up at 7:47 ! What a WAY to Make my morning LOL. then More followed Horrahhh ! My roommate's telling me Happy BIrthday EVEryTIme she sees me LOL. She is SOmething ~! 

I wish I had a candle so i cud stick it in a cupcake in the caf ! lol Sing Myself a SOng. Make a WIsh n *poooooooooof* 

But I'm having a WOnderFUl day =D. You could've definitely seen me skipping around campus lOl. But feeling this way is preventing me from getting work done ! So i can't be in this wonderful mood all the time =[ desafortunadamente !!!!! But i'll make it work somehow !! =D 

So I wanna thank everyone for elevating my Mood ! Exponentially ! =D !!!

Can't wait to go CLubbing !

Can't wait to get back HOME !! Gerr ! =D

WEll i guess NOW i can say I'm really 

On to Sømething Neü ! =p

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Siicckk !!!

I don't know where I got this from but it's terrible!!! I don't even know what it is for that matter.. It started with a a sore throat and a headache, then a few coughs here and there.. and now I have this unbelievably painful headache ='[ . I think ''headache'' is an understatement... With every pulse I feel pain.. so much that I can barely open my eyes. I have to be so careful because it happens when I walk, or bend over, or shift my head too quickly... My head's never hurt so badly before.. My face is swollen, my eyes are red.. and I have a chemistry midterm coming up and I couldn't get anything done. All I could do was just lay there with my eyes closed. Even then the pain wouldn't go away.. and I'd be awake for hours because I couldn't fall asleep. sigh*. I have so much work to get done.. I hope this thing goes away quickly because I honestly don't want to deal with it. .  .

Friday, October 15, 2010


My Thursday began pretty cheery. I took part in a Psychology Research Study which only lasted about 4 minutes. It took me quite a while to find the room though. I've already been in this school for about a month and a half and there are still parts of it that I've never seen. In the midst of getting completely lost, I discovered this cozy lounge in McNally Main. It's pretty quiet there so it's a nice place to relax. Hopefully I'll be able to find it again! So this survey earned me 1 bonus point for Mind and Brain ! =] Happy Me! I was bummed because I missed the first study that I qualified for and I didn't fit the criteria for any of the others that kept coming in after that. I checked later that afternoon and !! :O ! More Studies were up !! I signed up for 2 more. So I'll be getting 5 Bonus POints in total =] and I am Happy with it! Will keep looking for more opportunities.

I went over to the library for the first time today. Got into a cubicle and laid all my stuff there. I did work for 4 hours ! I was proud of myself =] ! . But then... I began to feel sick. =[ . I developed a cough and a headache too. =[... and I looked like a mess.. I couldn't get any practice done for my Calculus recitation the next day.. but it turned out to be easy enough.

I had to visit the students center in the Rain !! The wind was so strong on my way back to Loyola that I literally had to take 1 step every two seconds! sigh*. So i got drenched. A while after I had my chem lab, which didn't turn out bad at all. It lasted longer than I expected it to.. was done all the way at 5:30, but I didn't mind..

Two of the elevators to Loyola Residence are DOWN.. so you can imagine the wait to finally get to my dorm room.. Right now I'm just laying on my bed with a sore throat. The coughs are still there but at least the headache's gone.. My roommate's gone for the weekend so I'm here on my own. I need to get my lab done and study for my Chem exam on friday... I really want to do good in that one.. My Calculus exam is coming up soon too and I'm struggling with LImits! It's the most annoying thing I've encountered so far. I guess that's just because I haven't grasped it properly yet... I'll work it out. It's no use whining about it when I do nothing to try to understand it better.. 

For the while I'm still trying to deal with this Whatever it is. I hate feeling this way. But at least it's now and not during exams.. Hopefully my immune system will get a boost from this and I'll be fine all winter. HopeFUlly.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Course Change

As usual, it seems that I make a decision at the very last second. It's not like I take forever to mull over my options... Ideas, or realizations, just seem to pop into my head when there's barely any time left. Even witty comebacks come to me hours after the event. I don't even need to be thinking of what happened.. They just.. ''pop up!''.

I've been studying Japanese and it's no surprise to those who've been reading that I really enjoyed it. The teacher was always energetic. He had a lot to share and he kept us all engaged. It really was my favourite! Midterms were coming up though.. and I got scared.. I hadn't been devoting as much time to it as I did my other subjects, and not nearly as much time as I should be giving it on the whole. The night before class, I'd just pick up my book and drill in some vocabulary and it would get me through the class but I still felt like I was robbing myself of the opportunity to get a decent GPA.. Ultimately, I'd do terribly if I kept this up... So, I asked my friends about their courses and decided on Spanish. =].. I always had a liking for it anyway.. so it's not so bad. Considering that I spent 5 years learning it, you'd think I'd be more fluent though ! I still feel like such a novice... but it'll be much easier to pick up than Japanese since I know some of the vocabulary and grammar and what not..

Class is on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. so I have to wake up ! Which I was actually able to do today ! =] I'm proud of myself =] ! I've been going to bed no earlier than lately. My internal clock was so off. But some how I got up at 6:35. Got all my stuff together so I could get dressed in the bathroom, and somewhere near the end of my shower I realize that I.. forgot.. my towel... sigh*!!! But I got dried somehow ! Lol. I did.

Got all my documents today, and made all the arrangements to change my classes. So as of today, I officially say

          Sayōnara Nihongo 

¡Hóla español! =]

I better to exceptionally well in this ! . .

Monday, October 11, 2010

What's happening?

It doesn't seem like I've been writing like myself lately... or maybe that's just me.. I've been a little out of element but I'm trying to get back in...

I've abandoned so many things since I've come here... My music especially !!. That's one of the things that really made me who I was.. Music has complete control over me... I had my iPod where ever I went to: on my way to school, walking in town, on my way to class, in the shower! Everywhere. No matter how sad I was, there was always a song that come put a smile on my face... and no matter how happy I was, there was always a song that could bring me to tears.. I think the sadder moods fit me better.. No where as far as depression though.. Maybe somewhere closer to mellow. I'll always have my moments when I'm unbelievably hyper, like last night, but I like when things are slowed down.

After dinner last night, I couldn't sit still. I was literally running up and down campus. Eventually two friends and I decided to go downtown. To do what? We had NO idea Lol. We walked up and down in the cold, which really wasn't that bad. It would be a really nice thing to do with a special group of friends.. or maybe just one special friend.. It made me a bit sad because I miss everyone so much, but I had a good time. We did some exploring, did some shopping and got the bus back home. THaNk GOODNESS we got that bus lol. I'd have probably turn into an icicle.

I spent Saturday with my roommate and her family. We hand Thanks Giving Dinner. THat was fun ^_^. The dog was HUGE ! :| . I didn't get a picture of it though. i was Exhausted after i ate! Slept on the way back. We saw pumpkin people ! 

They were pretty cool. They use the pumpkins as the head and clothe them to look like different characters. The ones we stopped to see had the themes Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings.

I got no studying done, which really is terrible.. I had so much planned for this Long weekend and I haven't gone through with anything. I hate this side of me! But some days you really don't feel like doing anything.. And this cold weather makes you just want to stay in bed. I don't want to sit at my desk because it's right next to my window. The air is icy cold these days, and all you want to do is wrap yourself in your sheets. At the moment I'm under a cover sheet, blanket AND a comforter, and sometimes that isn't even enough.. My lips, my skin, my hair. hmmm. 

I visited Bath and Body Works and that was a really good idea =]. I'm actually using those lotions and the scents make me want to use them more. In this weather, investing in lotions and moisturizers is a Must. My hair's a bit better now that I've gotten a decent set of products. Every now and then I take the scent of the shampoo in my room and it's so0o0o wonderful =] ! It's a bit stronger now but it still feels dry.. I can't find any moisturizers in this country! sigh* Maybe I should get some shipped to me... Even back home I didn't have a decent one. .

I'm trying to make things better.. I have a lot to do, and a lot to take care of.. hm... 

I'll work it out. 

Till next time. 

;) ! ¡§.∞Neu∞.§!

Kesha - Your Love Is My Drug

My baby D's in love with this song.. 
and with good reason! GoOoO Ke$ha! 

This song makes me feel really hyped.!
 I can always count on it to pick me up.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

¡ Ke$ha !

Lately, I've been on a Ke$ha HIGH!

I don't know why I'mm only just discovering this chick. She's Amazing.!.. So 'Amazing' might just be too strong a word... but her songs make me Smile =], and they trigger certain emotions, and take me to different places.. Here are my favourite ones.. so far anyway =]

                              ''Your Love Is My Drug''
                                               ''TiK ToK''
                       ''Take It Off''
                                        ''Blah Blah Blah''
       ''H.u.n.g o v e r''
                                                     ''Kiss 'N Tell''

Hungover is the only one on that album that's completely different from the rest. It's more heartfelt and I almost cried the first time I heard it..

I posted it on here so you could have a listen. The vid is cute too ! It's about time she Make one for it.!

And now the sun is rising
And now the long walk back home (back home)

There's just so many faces,
But no one I need to know (need to know)

In the dark I can't fight it, I fake til I'm numb
But in the bright light,
I taste you on my tongue

Now the party's over
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hungover you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

Even my dirty laundry
Everything just smells like you (like you)
And now my head is throbbing
Every song is out of tune
Just like you

In the dark I can't fight it 'til it disappears
But in the daylight
I taste you in my tears

And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hungover you?

Now Iv'e got myself looking like a mess
Standing alone
Hear at the end try to pretend but no,
I put up my fight
But this is it this time (this time)
Cus I'm here at the end, tryin to pretend
Here at the end, tryin to pretend
Oh, ohhh

And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hungover you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone

I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hungover you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

Ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Missed Frosh Events =[

It's been a whole Month since International orientation week. The thing is, during that week, it just happened that there was a Hurricane ! Ypp.! My first hurricane, and it was in Halifax. Who would have thought. So some of the events were cancelled... Like the Group Photo !! They said they would reschedule but I never heard anything. Now I'm getting an e-mail from one of the directors saying that he's looking for the group photo they took so he can post it on FaceboOk ! ='[ GErr! So that's one thing I missed out on.. And the lunch as well. I really didn't walk in all that wind just to get some food ! :$. That doesn't sound like me ! LOl. The caf was opened so that was okay. Went there instead. One thing I WONT miss out on though? Thanks Giving Dinner ! Yes ! I will be eating then ! 

I'm starting to remember frosh week now. It was so much fun ! All the running up and down on the field, not to mention those perverted chants ! Lol. Frosh Week was WonDerFul. =]. I still have my frosh band :o ! Everyone keeps asking me WHY !! lol. I have my reasons =] !

I'm trying to make a list of 'The Ups and Downs of SMU' . As soon as I'm done I'll be posting them.

Keep an eye out for them !


1 day till Midterms

One more day till my first Midterm ! I'm excited lol. Really I am. Is this the Neroy side of me? Yes!!! =D
They really shouldn't be called midterms you know.. We have one set in early october, and one in november.. how about 1/3-term ? :S . !!!

Studying's been going okay but I'm still wayyyy behind. Even so I know I'll get everything done.

It's the weekend again so I have the room to myself. It's nice and quiet and I get to be loud when I need to and have no disruptions 24/3 :P yh. 3. lol.  So right after this I'm going to get off my bed and get my nose into my books.

That reminds me! My shipment came on Wednesday! I was so excited!!!! So now my bed's covered with this gorgeous Pink & Black Comforter.

With a bit of white too. It looks like splashes of Paint. FUN ^_^. I bought a Bean Bag chair which apparently needed 2 bags of beans!!!! Good thing I had ordered 1 of them just incase some beans came out or something... So I'm able to sit on it quite comfortably and rest my back on the bed. It's good enough.

I reorganized all my books and packed away some stuff. The room's a lot cleaner now and I'm content. All I hate are those ORANGE hangers that were supposed to be PInk ! Gerr!!! It says Pink on the receipt too!! Damn you K-Mart ! So I chucked those somewhere... I really hate orange. It's not an appealing colour at ALL.

But anyways. My mood's a lot better today, even with the circumstances...

I'm going to try to keep it this way.