A put that birthday post up too early ! Apparently the night of the 19th had More SurPrises !
I had planned to stay in and study for Chemistry, but at the last minute I decided to go with Jazy to Sobey's. I really wanted sliced bread.. I was out of money though. No access to the ATM. NO Scotiabank ones on campus. sigh* How inconvenient !..So she said she'd get it for me. haha =]. Bday PResent!. When we got down, S.V was like, ''why'd you bring her? :|'' her being Me. :P He was gonna get me something ^_^ . But oh well. We went along our merry way out of the warmth of Loyola Res. and into the chill. I was still HYped ! So i felt quite warm. Danced along the way to the supermarket. I had a list of Birthday tunes: My Head by Jason Derulo, Whip My Hair by Willow Smith [she's this lil kid everyone's crazy about at the moment.. with good reason. Has a decent style and the song's nice and catchy].., WAKA WAKA by Shakira of course !! <-- that one right there's special.. and Dynamite. S.V said he'd get me whatever I wanted :O ! Birthday Treat !! XD YAy!!! Excited? YES ! But i kept things low lol. Didn't want to send him OverBoard. He brought up the idea of having a get-together with everyone since I hadn't planned on doing anything for the night.. So yes, we got a cake, snacks and some drinks [Tookie Tookie !!]
Shopping took ForeVEr !! I didn't even notice the time fly by so quickly. We had to rush back to the school to try to get some dinner. I had no jacket and my arms were semi frozen by the time I got back to school. Rushed to the dining hall and they were closed ! ugh ! Had to turn right back around. S.V brought some of the stuff back to my room with me. I opened the door and saw this GiaNt Cake :| !! Roomie !!!! I did NOT Expect that! Lol. I literally screamed.! I was so close to crying too ='[ !! She even had gifts too. Hugs HUgs HuGS ! That SNeaky little girl !.hmph.
I had bought a ton of candles at Sobey's lol. SO they came in handy !. They sang me Happy Birthday. I made a wish and Blew out my candles. *I Hope it comes true*.
S.V contacted everyone and things were on in the Lounge 2 hours later. I was hyper again !!! Couldn't stop movin ! I wish I took more pictures though !. We had a Caribbean shot XD haha. [I woke up N.M so he cud Join] and I had the SMU glass. WEeeeeee Tookie TOokie is my Friend =] . The girls got together and ran around the place lol. thAT was fun. I shouldn't say what we were doing though lol. Nothing bad, nothing inappropriate. But we ended up outside, lit some starlights and ran with them. oh DAMN we were loud lol. But it was fun !. The entire night was fun =].
Things settled down by 12.. and we went off to bed. Had an 8:30 class.
But I must say I really LOVED my 19th Birthday =]. All this really wouldn't have happened without all those guys. Especially S.V =p. Yp yp! My planner. Those guys really made me feel welcomed.. I'm starting to feel more at home here at SMU . Guess all I needed was time.
Here's to a happier Neu. ;)
Hope everyone out there's happier too. We all deserve it.
As to everyone who was a part of my birthday
Thank You !