Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Course Change

As usual, it seems that I make a decision at the very last second. It's not like I take forever to mull over my options... Ideas, or realizations, just seem to pop into my head when there's barely any time left. Even witty comebacks come to me hours after the event. I don't even need to be thinking of what happened.. They just.. ''pop up!''.

I've been studying Japanese and it's no surprise to those who've been reading that I really enjoyed it. The teacher was always energetic. He had a lot to share and he kept us all engaged. It really was my favourite! Midterms were coming up though.. and I got scared.. I hadn't been devoting as much time to it as I did my other subjects, and not nearly as much time as I should be giving it on the whole. The night before class, I'd just pick up my book and drill in some vocabulary and it would get me through the class but I still felt like I was robbing myself of the opportunity to get a decent GPA.. Ultimately, I'd do terribly if I kept this up... So, I asked my friends about their courses and decided on Spanish. =].. I always had a liking for it anyway.. so it's not so bad. Considering that I spent 5 years learning it, you'd think I'd be more fluent though ! I still feel like such a novice... but it'll be much easier to pick up than Japanese since I know some of the vocabulary and grammar and what not..

Class is on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. so I have to wake up ! Which I was actually able to do today ! =] I'm proud of myself =] ! I've been going to bed no earlier than lately. My internal clock was so off. But some how I got up at 6:35. Got all my stuff together so I could get dressed in the bathroom, and somewhere near the end of my shower I realize that I.. forgot.. my towel... sigh*!!! But I got dried somehow ! Lol. I did.

Got all my documents today, and made all the arrangements to change my classes. So as of today, I officially say

          Sayōnara Nihongo 

¡Hóla español! =]

I better to exceptionally well in this ! . .


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