It's been a whole Month since International orientation week. The thing is, during that week, it just happened that there was a Hurricane ! Ypp.! My first hurricane, and it was in Halifax. Who would have thought. So some of the events were cancelled... Like the Group Photo !! They said they would reschedule but I never heard anything. Now I'm getting an e-mail from one of the directors saying that he's looking for the group photo they took so he can post it on FaceboOk ! ='[ GErr! So that's one thing I missed out on.. And the lunch as well. I really didn't walk in all that wind just to get some food ! :$. That doesn't sound like me ! LOl. The caf was opened so that was okay. Went there instead. One thing I WONT miss out on though? Thanks Giving Dinner ! Yes ! I will be eating then !
I'm starting to remember frosh week now. It was so much fun ! All the running up and down on the field, not to mention those perverted chants ! Lol. Frosh Week was WonDerFul. =]. I still have my frosh band :o ! Everyone keeps asking me WHY !! lol. I have my reasons =] !
I'm trying to make a list of 'The Ups and Downs of SMU' . As soon as I'm done I'll be posting them.
Keep an eye out for them !