It doesn't seem like I've been writing like myself lately... or maybe that's just me.. I've been a little out of element but I'm trying to get back in...
I've abandoned so many things since I've come here... My music especially !!. That's one of the things that really made me who I was.. Music has complete control over me... I had my iPod where ever I went to: on my way to school, walking in town, on my way to class, in the shower! Everywhere. No matter how sad I was, there was always a song that come put a smile on my face... and no matter how happy I was, there was always a song that could bring me to tears.. I think the sadder moods fit me better.. No where as far as depression though.. Maybe somewhere closer to mellow. I'll always have my moments when I'm unbelievably hyper, like last night, but I like when things are slowed down.
After dinner last night, I couldn't sit still. I was literally running up and down campus. Eventually two friends and I decided to go downtown. To do what? We had NO idea Lol. We walked up and down in the cold, which really wasn't that bad. It would be a really nice thing to do with a special group of friends.. or maybe just one special friend.. It made me a bit sad because I miss everyone so much, but I had a good time. We did some exploring, did some shopping and got the bus back home. THaNk GOODNESS we got that bus lol. I'd have probably turn into an icicle.
I got no studying done, which really is terrible.. I had so much planned for this Long weekend and I haven't gone through with anything. I hate this side of me! But some days you really don't feel like doing anything.. And this cold weather makes you just want to stay in bed. I don't want to sit at my desk because it's right next to my window. The air is icy cold these days, and all you want to do is wrap yourself in your sheets. At the moment I'm under a cover sheet, blanket AND a comforter, and sometimes that isn't even enough.. My lips, my skin, my hair. hmmm.
I'm trying to make things better.. I have a lot to do, and a lot to take care of.. hm...
I'll work it out.
Till next time.
;) ! ¡§.∞Neu∞.§!